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January 1, 1985

Memorandum, 'Air defense - Patriot system'

The document provides an assessment of the political and economic implications of Italy's potential participation in the building of the Patriot system.


Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'UEO - Coordination of the reactions of member countries to the US invitation to take part in the SDI
(and attached:
Interim Report of the SDI Working Group)'

The document consists of a report from WEU working group on SDI (in French), and a summary of the WEU member states' positions, and their common efforts to coordinate a unified reaction to the American invitation to participate in SDI.

August 27, 1985

Memorandum by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Minister Andreotti, 'Meeting at the Ministry of Defense with General Abrahamson'

This memo from the meeting between Vice Minister of Defense Olcese and General Abrahamson discusses the developments of the SDI and the potential Italian participation in the technological aspects of the initiative. The memo concludes that Italian government has yet to make a decision regarding its participation in the research phase.

May 23, 1985

Letter by Permanent Representative to NATO Sergio Romano to the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ruggiero

A brief report about a meeting between Minister of Defense Spadolini and Secretary of Defense Weinberger. The two discuss opportunities for cooperation and interchange in the fields of SDI and conventional armaments.

January 1, 1985

Letter by Ambassador in Moscow Sergio Romano to Minister of Foreign Affairs Andreotti

Italian Ambassador to Moscow, Sergio Romano, writes to Foreign Minister Andreotti to dicuss the topic of the Soviet attitude towards the SDI, and the unsuccessful efforts by the Soviets to pursue a similar defense system. Even though SDI is no longer a hindrance to superpower dialogue, it would be a mistake to assume that the USSR has given up the battle against the overall missile defense system.

April 6, 1988

Diplomatic Advisor of the Prime Minister Fontana Giusti, 'Memorandum for President Goria'

Briefing for PM Goria in preparation for his meeting with Secretary General Lord Carrington offers an overview of topics discussed by Foreign Minister Andreotti and Carrington the previous day. Key issues examined included European public opinion on NATO, the weak state of transatlantic relations, and questions related to weapons modernization and disarmament.

October 13, 1986

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'East-West relations'

The document analyzes the state of East-West relations in the aftermath of the Reykjavik Summit. There appears to be an openness to continuing dialogue by both sides, but many unknowns still persist regarding Europe and the Middle East.

October 25, 1986

Diplomatic Adviser of the Prime Minister, 'Report of the meeting with NATO's Secretary General Lord Carrington
(24th October, 1986)'

Summary of the meeting between PM Craxi and Secretary General of NATO, Lord Carrington in the aftermath of the Reykjavik Summit. The two leaders exchange opinions on the outcome of the summit and the continuing arms control negotiations.

February 26, 1986

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'NATO Secretary General's visit in Rome
(26th-28th February 1986).
Security and disarmament'

This document summarizes Ambassador Nitze's speech on the issue of security and disarmament, and provides a rather detailed description of current U.S. position vis-à-vis the USSR in the field of disarmament and global security.

February 26, 1986

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'NATO Secretary General's visit in Rome (26th-28th February 1986) - Analysis of the prospects of Geneva negotiations and of the negotiations about disarmament'

A comprehensive analysis of the Soviet position in the upcoming disarmament negotiations regarding SDI, FNI, MBFR, and chemical weapons. Overall, there seems to be increased willingness on the Soviet side to free up economic resources from military sector.
