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May 1968

CPSU CC Decree, 'On Introducing Several Revisions to the NPT Draft'

This decree tasks the Soviet MFA with obtaining an agreement from fellow members of the Warsaw Pact on the USSR's suggested revisions to the NPT.

April 1968

CPSU CC Decree, 'Information for the Leadership of the CP of India on the Question of the NPT'

In this decree, the CPSU CC recommends that a telegram to the Soviet ambassador in India be approved. This telegram would hold information for the Indian CP about the NPT.

April 29, 1968

CPSU CC Decree, 'On Appealing to Pope Paul VI about the Issue of the NPT'

This document relates to the following appeal to Pope Paul VI on the issue of nuclear non-proliferation.

March 1968

CPSU CC Decree, 'Concerning Our Steps in Providing Support for the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons'

The CPSU CC outlines their next steps in promoting the NPT. Focusing on generating a positive domestic and international sentiment towards the treaty, the MFA and official Soviet media mouthpieces are tasked with promoting and explaining the NPT.

June 1968

CPSU CC Decree, 'On the Publication of the Soviet MFA's Statement about the Opening of the NPT for Signing'

The CPSU CC outlines how they will publish the Soviet MFA's statement announcing the opening of the NPT for signing. Along with announcing the NPT's opening via a radio broadcast, the CC plans to publish the statement in the official Party and State newspapers, Pravda and Izvestia, respectively.

June 1968

CPSU CC Decree, 'Regarding the Signing of the NPT'

The CPSU CC outlines the details and logistics of the NPT's signing in Moscow. Along with nominating a reception hall and authorizing Gromyko to sign the treaty, this decree focuses on the publication of an official memorandum suggesting urgent measures to end the arms race.

June 1968

CPSU CC Decree, 'Regarding the Reception in the USSR of Ministers of Foreign Affairs Coming to Moscow to Sign the NPT'

This decree by the CPSU CC describes how the Soviet government plans to welcome the ministers of foreign affairs coming to Moscow to sign the NPT. Many of these ministers hail from other Socialist states, while representatives from other nations are invited at the discretion of the Soviet MFA.


CPSU CC Decree, 'Regarding the Location of the NPT's Signing'

A resolution from the CPSU CC about the location at which the NPT will be signed. The resolution approves the guidelines for Soviet delegates at the 22nd session of the United Nations General Assembly.

August 19, 1955

Proposal of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education on Providing Assistance to the Chinese People’s Republic in Training Specialists for Work in the Area of the Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy

The CPSU CC agrees to assist the PRC with nuclear energy training.

October 31, 1986

Information On the Question of Renting Soviet Atomic Submarines to India

This document considers the political consequences of carrying through with the Soviet Union's promise to provide India with an Atomic submarine for scientific purposes.
