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April 19, 1941

Excerpt on Xinjiang from Minutes of the VKP(b) CC Politburo Meetings

The Politburo issued 5.25 million rubles to support the NKO's operations in the Mongolian People's Republic and Xinjiang, the independent NKVD rifle battalion in Xinjiang, and the topographic detachment in Xinjiang until the end of 1941.

March 7, 1941

Concerning the Sin'tszyanolovo Concession in Xinjiang

The Soviet Politburo approves the Narkomtsvetmet's 1941 work plan for the Sin'tszyanolovo concession and outlines the tasks related to the concession for which the NKVD, NKO, Civil Air Fleet, Narkomtsvetmet, and the Council of Ministers are respectively responsible.

January 10, 1938

Concerning NKVD Operations in Xinjiang

The Politburo orders the NKVD to deploy a reinforced cavalry regiment and an attached RKKA fighter squadron to the area of Hami, allocating additional tanks, automobiles, and gasoline trucks to support their operations. It also provides recommended changes to Shicai Sheng's military policy in Xinjiang.

January 9, 1938

Concerning Troop Movements through Xinjiang

The Politburo recommends that Sheng Shicai advise Chiang Kai-shek to permit the regiment currently stationed in Erlizihe to proceed to its designated location.

July 29, 1937

Concerning Soviet Military Operations in Xinjiang

The Politburo orders two regiments be sent into Xinjiang to prevent the advance of the 36th Division. It also orders that Ma Zhongying continue to be detained and recommends that the governor of Xinjiang avoid an agreement with Ma Hushan.

April 4, 1937

Concerning a Peace Settlement in Kashgar

The Politburo orders both the governor of Kashgar and Cde. Smirnov to appeal to Mamut to resolve his disputes with the Urumqi government peacefully. In the event that Mamut begins conducting military opeartions against the Urumqi government, the Politburo orders Cdes. Frinovsky and Uritsky to prepare a plan of military measures against the Uighur division.

June 14, 1937

Concerning the 36th Division of the NRA's Appeals to the Soviet Government

In response to Ma Hushan's (commander of the 36th Division of the NRA) request for Soviet assistance in Xinjiang and the release of Ma Zhongying from the Soviet Union, the Politburo resolves that it will provide assistance only after the leadership of the 36th Division concludes an agreement with the Xinjiang government and establishes peace in the south of Xinjiang.

May 17, 1937

Concerning Support for Chinese Troops in Kashgaria

The Politburo orders Soviet aircraft, armored cars, and pilots be sent to assist the Chinese command in suppressing the rebels in Kashgaria.

April 19, 1937

Concerning Actions to be Taken Against the Command of the 6th Division of the NRA

Noting that the command staff of the 6th Division of the Chinese National Revolutionary Army is hostile to the Urumqi government, the Politburo orders that the units be disarmed and the command staff arrested. The Politburo also orders that a group of energetic Chinese and Uighurs from Kashgar be sent to organize a government in Yarkant.

February 7, 1936

Concerning Negotiations with Ma Zhongying of the 36th Devision of the National Revolutionary Army

The Politburo accepts Ma Zhongying's proposal and recommends that the Urumqi government agree to appropriate concessions in peace talks with the 36th Division.
