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January 23, 1989

Record of Telephone Conversation Between M. S. Gorbachev and President of the United States George Bush

Notes from a phone conversation between President George H.W. Bush and Gorbachev regarding Henry Kissinger's recent visit with Gorbachev.

January 17, 1989

Letter from George H. W. Bush to Mikhail Gorbachev

A diplomatic personal note from President Bush to Gorbachev, thanking Gorbachev for the special attention he gave to Bush's son and grandson during their trip to Armenia, and then touches on the current state of US-Soviet bilateral relations and arms control proposals.

December 11, 1989

Telegram of the Hungarian Embassy in Moscow about V. M. Falin’s Briefing on the Malta Summit on 11 December

V.M. Falin, Head of the International Department of the Central Committee of the CPSU, provides a briefing about the Malta Summit.

December 6, 1989

Rezső Nyers’s Typed Notes to Miklós Németh on Gorbachev’s Briefing on the Malta Summit on 4 December

An official report by Nyers about the Malta Summit prepared for Prime Minister Miklós Németh.

December 4, 1989

Rezső Nyers’s handwritten Notes on Gorbachev’s Briefing on the Malta Summit at the Meeting of the Warsaw Pact Leaders in Moscow on 4 December

Unofficial hand-written notes by Rezső Nyers, President of the Hungarian Socialist Party, taken took during a briefing by M. Gorbachev at a Soviet Bloc summit in Moscow on 4 December, just a day after the meeting with President Bush at Malta.

November 21, 1989

Record of Conversation between Mikhail Gorbachev and Prime Minister of Canada Brian Mulroney.

Gorbachev and Mulroney discuss US interference in Eastern Europe and increasing cooperation with Western Europe. They also briefly discuss George Bush's leadership.

December 2, 1989

US Memorandums of Conversation, George H. W. Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev at Malta Summit, 2-3 December 1989

US transcripts of Bush and Gorbachev's conversations on board the Soviet cruise ship, Maxim Gorky, off the coast of Malta.

December 2, 1989

Notes by A. S. Chernyaev, Record of Conversation between Mikhail Gorbachev and George H. W. Bush at Malta Summit

George H.W. Bush and Gorbachev meet off the coast of Malta in a meeting that came to symbolize the end of the Cold War. While no agreements were concluded, the leaders decided to press ahead in the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START), as well as in efforts to reduce arsenals of chemical weapons and conventional forces in Europe. Bush also made a number of proposals to advance bilateral relations, including steps to normalize trade relations through the granting of most-favored nation status, efforts to bar Congressional restrictions on credits, and US support for Soviet observer status at the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).

September 22, 1989

Presidential National Security Directive 23, "Untied States Relations with the Soviet Union"

Presidential directive from George Bush regarding the changing nature of relations between the Soviet Union and the United States and the end of US containment policy.