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March 17, 1969

Record of Conversation between N.G. Sudarikov and Kim Il Sung, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea

Kim Il Sung discusses an armed clash with Americans in the demilitarized zone and an incident in the Korean-Chinese border. He discusses Sino-Korean relations thoroughly as well.

November 16, 1972

From the Journal of N.G. Sudarikov, 'Record of a Conversation with Kim Il Sung, General Secretary of the KWP CC and Chairman of the DPRK Cabinet of Ministers, 9 October 1972'

Kim Il Sung briefs Sudarikov on North Korea’s recent economic development, including the number of ongoing construction projects and the expansion of light industry enterprises. Kim also discusses the meeting between Yoon Ki-bok and Lee Hu-rak and how North and South Korea are interested in establishing a coordinating committee.

July 6, 1972

From the Journal of N.G. Sudarikov, 'Record Of A Conversation with Kim Il Sung, General Secretary of the KWP CC and Chairman of the DPRK Cabinet of Ministers, 19 June 1972'

Kim Il Sung expresses satisfaction toward Brezhnev’s positions regarding Korea and Vietnam which were made during talks with U.S. President Nixon. Kim also criticizes Park Chung Hee for suppressing the opposition in South Korea, including the imprisonment of Kim Dae-jung.

November 2, 1970

Kim Il Sung, 'Report on the Work of the Central Committee to the Fifth Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea'

Kim Il Sung's speech to the Fifth Congress of the Korean Workers' Party.

August 29, 1946

Kim Il Sung, 'For the Establishment of a United Party of the Working Masses: Report to the Inaugural Congress of the Workers' Party of North Korea'

Kim Il Sung's speech at the 1st Congress of the Korean Workers' Party.


Korea Must Be Reunified: A Call for Friendship between the Peoples of the United States and the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea

Kim Il Sung praises the work of AKFIC for giving “wide publicity to our people’s struggle [in the United States]…exposing the fascist dictatorship of South Korean reactionaries…as well as U.S. aggression in Korea.”

July 27, 1953

Notes on Visit of General Clark with President Rhee (8:30-8:55, 27 July 1953)

General Clark tries to convince President Rhee to attend the armistice signing, emphasizing that Kim Il Sung will not be present. Ambassador Briggs then reports that President Eisenhower has approved $200 million in aid for Korean rehabilitation.

October 8, 1960

Journal of Soviet Ambassador in the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 8 October 1960

Petro Gedeshi and Kurt Schneidewind argue about the Soviet decision to recall specialists from the China. Kim Il Sung understands the delay of Khrushchev's visit to the DPRK and suggests that it be rescheduled for spring 1961.

July 10, 1979

Note for the File, 'Main Points Made by President Kim Il Sung in the Meeting with the Secretary-General on 3 May in PyongYang'

Kim Il Sung claims that North Korea "would like to have economical, political and cultural cooperation with the Republic of Korea."

August 20, 1965

Record of Conversation between Premier Kim and the Chinese Friendship Delegation

Kim Il Sung and the Chinese Friendship Delegation discuss agriculture issues in China and North Korea, the war in Vietnam, and confrontation with the United States.
