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November 2, 1970

Kim Il Sung, 'Report on the Work of the Central Committee to the Fifth Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea'

Kim Il Sung's speech to the Fifth Congress of the Korean Workers' Party.

August 29, 1946

Kim Il Sung, 'For the Establishment of a United Party of the Working Masses: Report to the Inaugural Congress of the Workers' Party of North Korea'

Kim Il Sung's speech at the 1st Congress of the Korean Workers' Party.


Korea Must Be Reunified: A Call for Friendship between the Peoples of the United States and the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea

Kim Il Sung praises the work of AKFIC for giving “wide publicity to our people’s struggle [in the United States]…exposing the fascist dictatorship of South Korean reactionaries…as well as U.S. aggression in Korea.”

October 19, 1957

On the Implementation of the Party's Policy in the Field of Construction

Kim Il Sung's concluding speech at a Plenary Meeting of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea.

November 20, 1948

The Korean People's Army

A collection of speeches of Kim Il Sung, Kim Du-bong, Choe Yong-geon, and Kim Dal-hyeon on the Korean People's Army in 1948.

July 3, 1953

Telegram of the Soviet Chargé to the PRC to the Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers

After acknowledging Syngman Rhee's solitary role in blocking the passage of the armistice agreement, Peng Dehuai and Kim Il Sung draft a response to General Clark.


Eldridge Cleaver Notebooks, 1970

Eldridge Cleaver's handwritten notes from his travels to North Korea in 1970 for the "U.S. People's Anti-Imperialist Delegation."


Speech at the Pyongyang City Mass Rally Held on the Occasion of the "Day of Struggle for the Withdrawal of the US Imperialist Aggression Army Away from South Korea"

A speech given at the Pyongyang City Mass Rally by Eldridge Cleaver in which he suggests that U.S. imperialism first became evident with the Korean War. North Korea has developed around the leadership of Kim Il Sung and has established a strong military and industry to as countermeasures in the case of a new war. According to Cleaver, if the anti-imperialist Asian countries join against US imperialism, they will be able to knock it down and ensure the victory of their cause.

October 5, 1950

Cable, Zhou Enlai to Ni Zhiliang

Zhou Enlai gives instructions to pay attention to the northern advance of the South Korean army and the retreat of the North Korean army, and to collect information on the 12th Division's occupation of Wonju. He also notes Pak Il U's return to North Korea.

September 27, 1950

Telegram from Matveyev (Razuvayev V.N.) to Stalin

Matveyev describes the state of the Korean People’s Army, particularly the severe status of troops in Seoul and Busan after having encountered American air and ground forces. Matveyev also reports on a meeting between several Soviet and Korean foreign ministers in which Kim Il Sung assumed the tasks of both Supreme Commander-in-Chief and Defense Minister and ordered the deployment of troops northward. Matveyev also outlines the steps he plans to take as a Soviet envoy in aiding the desperate Korean army.
