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October 12, 1950

Cable, 8th Directorate of the USSR Armed Forces General Staff to Cdes. Shtykov and Vasil'yev

Instructions for Kim Il Sung in light of the fact that the Chinese troops destined for Korea are not ready to act.

May 15, 1949

Telegram, Shtykov to Vyshinsky

Shtykov recounts a recent meeting between Kim Il and Mao Zedong.

November 2, 1950

Ciphered Telegram from Shtykov to Fyn-Si [Stalin], Transmitting a Letter to Stalin from Kim Il Sung

In agreement with the Chinese comrades, Korean reserves are to be withdrawn to Manchuria, including nine infantry divisions, and officers school, a tank regiment-in-training, and an air division with an aviation regiment-in-training. Six combat divisions will be preparing in Korea.

October 8, 1950

Telegram from Shtykov to the Soviet Council of Ministers

Telegram of the ambassador of the USSR in the DPRK to the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR with information from the North Korean government about the decision of China to send a volunteer army to Korea

November 17, 1950

Telegram from Mao Zedong to Peng Dehuai

Mao Zedong informs Peng Dehuai and Gao Gang that Stalin has approved of a single central command led by the Chinese, and that they are now waiting to see how Kim Il Sung will respond.

November 20, 1950

Telegram from Stalin to Kim Il Sung, via Shtykov

Stalin agrees to train North Korean pilots, but in China, not in the Soviet Union, as Kim Il Sung previously suggested.

January 19, 1950

Telegram Shtykov to Vyshinsky on a Luncheon at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK

Shtykov reports a meeting with Kim Il Sung, along with Chinese and Korean delegates. Kim Il Sung expresses his view on the prospect of a liberation of the South Korean people that is to follow the Chinese success in liberation. Kim expresses his view that the South Koreans support his cause for reunification which the South Korean government does not seem to purse, and that he desires to ask Stalin for permission on an offensive action on South Korea.

September 21, 1950

Telegram from Soviet Defense Minister A.M. Vasilevsky to Stalin

Vasilevsky reports on the state of Korean fighter aviation regiments, damaged Soviet regiments in Korea, Korean maintenance crews and transport of battalions and munitions supplies to Korea, allowing Stalin to decide, pending further calculations, whether or not it would be logical to transfer aircraft to Pyongyang.

September 27, 1950

Telegram from Matveyev (Razuvayev V.N.) to Stalin

Matveyev describes the state of the Korean People’s Army, particularly the severe status of troops in Seoul and Busan after having encountered American air and ground forces. Matveyev also reports on a meeting between several Soviet and Korean foreign ministers in which Kim Il Sung assumed the tasks of both Supreme Commander-in-Chief and Defense Minister and ordered the deployment of troops northward. Matveyev also outlines the steps he plans to take as a Soviet envoy in aiding the desperate Korean army.

September 29, 1950

Telegram from Shtykov to Gromyko and Stalin

Shtykov gives an insider’s report of a meeting with Kim Il Sung and Pak Heon-yeong, in which they discussed the current desperate state of the KPA, possible advancement of the US forces over the 38th parallel and the extent of the enemy’s knowledge of Soviet Union deliveries to North Korea. Kim asks for advice concerning the appeal for military aid that the Political Council of the Worker’s Party of Korea plans to send to Stalin. Shytkov comments on the nervousness and desperation of the Korean officials.
