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February 18, 1956

Central Committee Notice on Propaganda on Current Events

Summarizing a speech made by Zhou Enlai, the CCP Central Committee distributes propaganda guidance on the PRC's efforts to "liberate Taiwan by peaceful means."

November 10, 1958

Premier Zhou Enlai’s Report on the Current Situation of Conflict and Our Current Tasks in the Taiwan Straits Region

An internal speech given by Zhou Enlai during the 1958 Taiwan Straits Crisis.

November 11, 1958

Premier Zhou’s Report on the Current Situation and Conflict in the Taiwan Region and the Chinese People’s Tasks in the Anti-Imperialist Fight

An internal speech given by Zhou Enlai during the 1958 Taiwan Straits Crisis.

July 29, 1956

Cable from the CCP Central Committee, 'Guidance Regarding Strengthening Work on Peaceful Liberation of Taiwan'

Following a major speech on Taiwan made by Zhou Enlai, the CCP Central Committee distributes updated guidance on the Party's approach to Nationalist controlled Taiwan.

September 28, 1970

Conversation between Comrade Mao Zedong and Other Chinese Leaders with Comrade Abdyl Këllëzi and Other Comrades on 28 September 1970

Mao Zedong and a visiting delegation from Albania discuss the history of the Albanian Party, Albania's relations with Italy, US-China relations, and other developments in Cuba, Brazil, Turkey, and Greece.

April 14, 1969

Record of Furui-Zhou Enlai Meeting

Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai and Japanese Diet member Furui Yoshimi discuss bilateral relations between China and Japan. Zhou is critical of both the Soviet Union and the United States. The two sides pay particular attention to Japan's relations with Taiwan.

June 21, 1971

Transcript of Conversation between Zhou Enlai and William Attwood

American journalist William Attwood asks Premier Zhou whether the primary obstacle between the U.S. and China is Taiwan, how China plans to reunify with Taiwan, and how China plans to address differences in living standards after reunification. Zhou says that China's stance on the Taiwan issue is that Taiwan belongs to China and the U.S. should not to interfere in China's domestic matters, withdraw its armed forces from the Taiwan straits, and respect China's sovereignty. Zhou believes that living standards will only be improved when Taiwan reunifies with the mainland.

October 24, 1964

Transcript of Conversation between Zhou Enlai and Philippine's Journalists' Delegation

Premier Zhou and Philippine journalists' discuss obstacles to establishing friendly Sino-Philippine relations. One obstacle is that Philippines is part of the U.S. led alliance camp in Asia. Zhou believes that despite China and Philippine being part of two different camps, this should not prevent China and the Philippines from establishing bilateral relations. The second obstacle is that thee Philippines still maintains diplomatic relations with Taiwan. Zhou also says that Philippines-Taiwan relations should not prevent the Philippines from establishing relations with the mainland. Reporters ask for Zhou's perspective on U.S. military deployment in Philippines and Filipino people's fear that China might use friendly Sino-Philippines relations to incite communist revolution in their country.

April 18, 1964

Transcript of Conversation between Zhou Enlai and Kenzo Matsumura

Zhou Enlai speaks with the spokesman for Japan's conservative party, Kenzo Matsumura. The two sides reached an agreement on the mutual establishment of non-governmental resident offices and the exchange of resident journalists. Zhou also discusses China's stance on the Taiwan issue. Both sides agree to work together toward normalization of Sino-Japanese relations.

October 23, 1963

Transcript of Conversation between Zhou Enlai and Edgar Faure

Premier Zhou speaks with French prime minister Edgar Faure about more contacts between China and France. Zhou says that as long as the two states respect each others sovereignty, even if they have different political systems, can still peacefully coexist. They discussed topics relating to Algeria, Soviet Union, and Taiwan.
