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April 25, 1960

Transcript of Conversation between Zhou Enlai and Reporters in New Delhi

Premier Zhou visits New Delhi. Reporters ask Premier Zhou about the possibility of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru visiting China, the India-China border conflict, and China's relations with other countries. On the topic of territorial disputes, Zhou says that China has never invaded other countries territories, instead China has been the one historically invaded. Zhou ends with remarks emphasizing his hope for maintaining friendly relations between China and India.

December 3, 1949

Zhou Enlai's Approval of the Northeast Ministry of Public Security's Travel Documents

June 10, 1970

Col. Mieczysław Białek, 'Record of Conversation of the Marshall of the Soviet Union Com. Zakharov with Com. Kim Il Sung during Com. Zakharov's Visit in the DPRK'

Kim Il Sung mentioned his gratitude to the Soviet Union. Kim discussed the impact of the Cultural Revolution on China and Sino-DPRK ties, and his wish to improve relations with the USSR.

November 7, 1959

Premier Chou En-lai's [Zhou Enlai's] Letter to Prime Minister Nehru

September 8, 1959

Premier Chou En-lai's [Zhou Enlai's] Letter to Prime Minister Nehru

January 23, 1959

Letter from Prime Minister of China to the Prime Minister of India, 23 January 1959

November 15, 1962

Premier Chou En-Lai's [Zhou Enlai's] Letter to the Leaders of Asian and African Countries on the Sino-Indian Boundary Question (November 15, 1962)

April 21, 1960

Record of Conversation between R.K. Nehru and Zhou Enlai

PM Nehru first asked Premier Zhou regarding the political situation in Middle East, paticularly U.A.E, Syria and Egypt. Then, Nehru expressed his concern on the revolt in Tibet 1959. Zhou addressed the Tibet incident was China's domestic affairs.

April 21, 1960

Record of Conversation between Zhou Enlai and Vice-President Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

Vice-Prisident Radhakrishnan discussed the historical mutual friendship between China and India. He indicated that the mutual friendship will help to solve the border dispute. Zhou replied that the historical disputes shall be resolved by the new government.

April 23, 1960

Record of Talks between P.M. [Jawaharlal Nehru] and Premier Chou En-lai [Zhou Enlai] held on 23rd April, 1960, from 4.30 p.m. 7.45 p.m.

PM Nehru stated to Premier Zhou regarding his viewpoints on Sino-Indian border disputes by referring the historical legacy.
