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April 26, 1989

Hungary: Grosz Increasingly Isolated

An analysis of the future of the Hungarian political system and its principle actors.

April 24, 1989

Special Analysis: Eastern Europe: Growth Still Slow

An economic analysis of Central and Eastern Europe GNP growth since 1987.

April 22, 1989

Hungary: Reformers Pushing Economic Ties to West

An analysis of the creation of a Hungarian economic advisory committee that seeks to expand ties with the West.

April 22, 1989

Hungary: Leadership Proposes Sweeping Reforms

An analysis of Hungarian Politburo actions that reduce Party control over politics and the economy.

April 6, 1989

Special Analysis: Poland: Roundtable Accords Signed

An analysis of Solidarity's legalization and its effects on Polish politics.

March 24, 1989

Hungary: Workers Granted Right to Strike

An analysis of new legislation in Hungary and its reflection of the regime's weakness.

September 12, 1949

CIA Positive Intelligence Report

The report details a May 6, 1945 meeting with Gottlob Berger and Hans Kammler.

March 7, 1989

Hungary: Discussing the Possibility of Neutrality

An analysis of the changing relationship between Budapest and Moscow.

February 23, 1989

Czechoslovakia: Conviction of Havel Isolates Regime

An analysis of the conviction of Vaclav Havel, including its political and diplomatic implications.

January 10, 1957

Memorandum for [withheld], 'Reappraisal of U.S. Propaganda Broadcasting' [Declassified May 6, 2019]

The State Department forwards to CIA a memorandum calling for fundamental reorientation and curtailment of RFE and RL broadcasts.
