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May 12, 1980

Policy Review Committee, Presidential Decision Paper, 'Nonproliferation Planning Assumptions'

The paper elaborates options for President Carter's nonproliferation policy.

April 9, 1980

Memorandum to the Secretary of State from Gerard C. Smith, 'Policy Review Committee (PRC) Meeting'

The memorandum describing Smith's argument that President Carter's nonproliferation policy of making distinctions between countries over reprocessing is discriminatory.

February 18, 1980

Memorandum, Secretary of State Vance to President Carter, Enclosing Gerard C. Smith Report to the President, 'Nonproliferation Strategy for 1980 and Beyond'

The memorandum conveys Smith's proposal of rethinking US nonproliferation policy on reprocessing.

June 1, 1979

Telegram from the Secretary of State to the American Embassy in Seoul, 'Coordination of Initiative with President Park to Reduce Tensions on the Korean Peninsula'

Secretary of the State Cyrus Vance sent a message to the US embassy in Seoul to inform President Park of the importance with which President Carter views his forthcoming discussions.

November 8, 1979

Telegram from the U.S. Embassy in Seoul to the U.S. Secretary of State, 'Korea Focus -- Secretary's Discussion with Foreign Minister Park Tong-jin'

William Gleysteen reports on Cyrus Vance's conversation with Park Tong-jin.

January 10, 1978

National Intelligence Daily Cable, NIDC 78/007C, 'Argentina: No Treaty Ratification'

This CIA bulletin notes the failure of U.S.-Argentine nuclear negotiations after Cyrus Vance’s visit to Argentina in December 1977. The U.S. proposed to supply highly enriched uranium for Argentina’s reactor exported to Peru, as well as to approve of a heavy water plant from Canada and asked in exchange for the Argentine ratification of the Tlatelolco Treaty as well as the deferral of their spent-fuel reprocessing plans.

June 2, 1978

Memorandum of Conversation between Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko and US Secretary of State Vance, 31 May 1978 (Excerpts)

Gromyko and Vance discuss the current status of Soviet-American relations and the anti-Soviet sentiment in America. They discuss the common goal of decreasing tension and conflict between the two countries, with disarmament on both sides, moving away from the period of “cold war.”

April 27, 1978

CPSU CC Politburo Transcript, 27 April 1978 (excerpt)

The CPSU CC Politburo discusses recent negotiations with US Secretary of State Vance regarding Soviet-American relations and Soviet criticism of the Carter administration’s foreign policy and position on strategic weapons.

March 15, 1977

Letter, Secretary Brezhnev to President Carter

March 15, 1977

Letter, Secretary Brezhnev to President Carter
