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October 19, 1990

Telegram by Permanent Representative to NATO Fulci to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Transfer to Crotone of the 401st Formation of US Air Force'

Short telegram in which Fulci reports his conversation with his US counterpart about the recent decision on the Crotone airbase. Taft described the episode as a "parliamentary ambush" and reiterated the US administration's determination to do everything possible to safeguard the strategically important project.

December 11, 1987

Telegram by Permanent Representative to NATO Fulci to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Atlantic Council. US Secretary of State Shultz's presentation about the Reagan-Gorbachev meeting.
Disarmament and arms control issues'

The permanenent representative of Italy to NATO summarizes the presentation by Secretary of State Shultz following the signing of the INF treaty. Shultz presents the treaty as a great success, both in terms of its content, as well as a demonstration of Atlantic solidarity.

November 25, 1987

Telegram by Permanent Representative to NATO Fulci to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Atlantic Council with US Secretary of State Shultz in view of the US-USSR meeting to be held in Washington -

The permanent representative of Italy to NATO offers a summary of the discussion among the NATO members that followed Secretary of State Shultz's briefing. There is a consensus among the member states of the positive effects of the INF treaty to international security.

November 6, 1987

Telegram by Permanent Representative to NATO Fulci to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'NPG. Point I of the agenda. Current state of nuclear forces and related issues'

The telegram comments on the recent NPG ministerial session. It describes the state of negotiations around the elimination of INFs in the light of the upcoming Washington summit where the treaty is expected to be signed.

April 15, 1987

Telegram by Permanent Representative to NATO Fulci to Ministry of Foreign Affaris, 'NATO - Restricted Council. Carrington's visit in the US; subject FNI'

Secretary General Carrington describes his experiences during his recent trip to the US. He reports a wide-spread "puzzlement" among Americans regarding the European attitudes towards the issue of intermediate-range nuclear forces in Europe.

May 9, 1987

Telegram by Permanent Representative to NATO Fulci to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'General Rogers' position on US-USSR negotiations for nuclear arms control (LRINF and SRINF)'

Telegram from Italy's permanent representative to NATO re-caps the controversial position presented by the Supreme Allied Commander Rogers. General Rogers criticizes the Reagan administration's strategy and expresses concern over the disparity between NATO capabilities and those of the Warsaw Pact.

December 13, 1986

Telegram by Permanent Representative to NATO Fulci, 'Ministerial Session of the Atlantic Council - Point II of the agenda.
Discussion in restricted session about the prospects on East-West relations in the post-Reykjavik scenario'

The document discusses the internal debate caused by Schultz's address at the Atlantic Council of Ministers. NATO countries are divided into two camps regarding the strategy and pace of nuclear disarmament and reduction talks.

December 13, 1986

Telegram by Permanent Representative to NATO Fulci to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Ministerial Session of the Atlantic Council - Point II of the agenda. Speech of US Secretary of State Shultz about the prospects of post-Reykjavik scenario'

Secretary of State, George P. Schultz analyzes US position following the collapse of the US-Soviet talks in Reykjavik. He discusses credibility of nuclear deterrence, US commitment to Europe and increasing conventional forces.