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August 10, 1949

Movements of the Lebanese Opposition

Report on the activities of various Lebanese opposition groups, including the Phalangists, the Communist party, the National Bloc and Palestinian refugees.

August 8, 1949

The Communists and the 'Telegraph' Newspaper

Report on a communist declaration published in the newspaper 'the Telegraph.'

August 3, 1949

Communist Party Activities

The Journalist informer reports on secret activities of the Communist party in Lebanon, reporting in the communist newspapers, work on a secret [covenant/pact] by the Communist party.

July 22, 1949

The Russians and Selling Gold

The Journalist informer reports that the Russian legation is selling gold in order to fund communist propaganda and the party's political activities.

June 16, 1949

Khaled Bikdash in Haifa

The Journalist Informer confirms Khālid Bikdāsh's arrival in Haifa, as well as his trip to Lebanon where he met with the leader of the Lebanese Communist Party.

June 10, 1949

Communist Meeting

Report on a Lebanese Communist Party meeting in Tripoli addressing the issue of organizing a channel of communication with Syria.

May 28, 1949

Communist Moves against Ḥusnī al-Za'īm (Husni al Za'eem)

The Journalist Informer reports that Lebanese Communists in Haifa have begun to coordinate with Khālid Bakdāsh and his allies in Haifa in order to discuss taking shared actions against Ḥusnī al-Za'īm and his government.

May 26, 1949

Activities of the Lebanese Communist Party

The Journalist Informer catalogues the ways in which the Lebanese Communist Party has developed, including increased cooperation with other communist parties in the region, stronger labor unions and better public relations.

May 16, 1949

Workers' Activities in Lebanon

Short report regarding posters put up by the Union of Workers' Unions.

May 16, 1949

A Syrian, Lebanese, Palestinian Communist Conference

A report on the Communist conference in Haifa regarding the topics on the agenda.
