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November 26, 1968

Note on the events at the Seminar of Red Cross Journals from Socialist Countries, held in Prague, 19-22 Nov. 1968. Cover note from Anton Moisescu, President of the Romanian Red Cross, to Nicolae Ceausescu, Secretary General, CC RCP.

Note about the experiences of N. Palade, Chief Editor of the Romanian Red Cross journal "Sanatatea" at the Socialist bloc seminar of Red Cross journals. The information note discusses Czechoslovak reactions to the Soviet-led invasion and occupation of Czechoslovakia and especially of Prague. Palade describes his reception by the Czechoslovak officials and the current attitude of the Czechoslovak population vis-Ă -vis the Soviet Union and the other East Bloc countries, describing the pessimism that seized the population after the August 1968 invasion.

September 23, 1968

Tables on the trade of Romania for the 1966-1968 period; on trade relation agreements between Romania and socialist countries for the 1966-1970 period; and on projections for trade relations with socialist countries for the 1969-1970 period.

Tables on the evolution of trade of Romania for the 1966-1968 period compared with long-term agreements; on trade relation agreements between Romania and socialist countries for the 1966-1970 period as compared with agreements for the 1961-1965 period; on projections for trade relations with socialist countries for the 1969-1970 period. The tables give the data in million rubles for Romanian trade with all socialist countries.

March 23, 1967

Bulgarian State Security Chairman Angel Solakov’s Report at a Bulgarian Communist Party Plenum

According to the State Security Committee chair, Angel Solakov, there has been a major shift in the policies of the West towards the Soviet bloc. While during the 1950s military face-off was often considered an option, in the late 1960s such possibility has been largely ruled out. Consequently the US and their allies in Western Europe are focusing their efforts on fighting socialism around the world through peaceful means, such as strengthening economic and cultural ties with the Soviet bloc countries. This calls for a change in the strategy of the State Security Committee intelligence operations. Solakov also reports on the anti-Soviet activities of the Chinese and Albanian intelligence services across Europe.

August 7, 1987

From Gr. Shopov to T. Zhivkov on European Economic Community's Evaluation of the Results of CC CPSU June Plenum

Based on intelligence reports, the Minister of the Internal Affairs, Grigor Shopov, informs Todor Zhivkov about the European Economic Community’s assessment of the recent June 1987 Plenary Session of the CPSU Central Committee. According to the information, Brussels seems pleased with Gorbachev’s efforts to gather party support for the radical reforms he has recently announced.


Note on Certain Characteristics of Western Trade Developments for 1966 (undated)

Report on the main aspects of international trade for the year 1966. The report covers issues such as developing countries’ growth in exports, the trade balances of various Western countries, East-West trade, and trends for 1967.

March 17, 1987

Informational Note from the official visit in Poland of the PRC Foreign Minister, Comrade Wu Xueqian (March 10-13, 1987)

Overview of the first visit of a PRC foreign minister in Poland.

December 5, 1979

Working plan between the Academy of the Interior Ministry of the Soviet Union and the College of National Security of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic on steps to take on "Socialist Pedagogy" teaching materials

This chart outlines steps that need to be taken on the instructional document entitled "Socialist Pedagogy." It shows which agency is working on each step from writing to editing to publication, the deadline for each step, what shape the finalized product of each step should take and the conditions that need to be met before the document is transferred to functionary specialists.

February 28, 1980

Cooperative Agreement between the Interior Ministries of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Soviet Union for the year 1980

The two parties agree to exchange workers in the areas of fire prevention in nuclear power plants, the study of theft of imports at border crossings and education in national security. The two interior ministries pledge to consult each other on security in border regions and exchange publications regarding public security, fire-fighting, Czechoslovak criminology methods and the Soviet military- which are listed by name and number of copies.


Cooperative Agreement between the Interior Ministry of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Interior Ministry of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for 1981

This document outlines plans for employee exchanges in the areas of: research, criminology, fire prevention, hospital management, political education and state security police. Both parties decide to exchange publications on security, criminology, subversive activities in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, fire prevention and the Soviet military, all designated by title and number of copies.

October 23, 1981

Cooperative Agreement between the Interior Ministry of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Soviet KGB for the summer of 1981 - 1985

The two parties consent to assist each other in the surveillance of goods going between the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Soviet Union, letters going between the two countries and from them to capitalist countries, correspondence sent from Czechoslovak or Soviet citizens to people who recently arrived from capitalist countries, the mailing of anti-socialist materials sent through the two nations and mail involving anti-socialist propaganda sent to either country from capitalist countries. Both parties also agree to exchange information on ways subversives use the post to their advantage and how each country’s officials monitor post suspected of containing ideologically injurious material.
