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March 4, 1961

Bulgarian Embassy, Havana (Michev), Information Regarding the Reorganization of the Cuban Government

Bulgaria’s Ambassador to Cuba Konstantin Michev reports on the reorganization of Cuba’s revolutionary government. In the report Michev notes that the government is realigning itself with the intent to become socialist, though not publicizing it. The realignment includes the creation of ministries and committees to oversee the transition and affairs of the country. Fidel Castro, Raul Castro, and Ernesto Guevara are assigned key posts to manage the transition. Through the help of socialist countries, Cuba is developing independent of USA, which previously hampered Cuba’s growth and development. Michev also notes that the Cuban government is prepared to defend itself against counter-revolution and US intervention into Cuban affairs.

October 29, 1960

Information on the VIII Congress of National Socialist Party of Cuba

In a secret supplement to information from the VIII Congress of the People's Socialist Party, Bulgarian delegates Abramov and Tellalov summarize answers that Blas Roca, the Cuban delegation head, provided the congress. Roca claimed that socialism is the end goal of the revolution, but it is not publicly discussed. He explained the Communist party's involvement in the revolution and July 26th Movement. Abramov and Tellalov also describe the reestablishment of relations and disagreements between Cuba and Yugoslavia, including discussions about weapons. Fidel Castro met with socialist country representatives and described Cuba's plans to nationalize enterprises, particularly American. During the congress Castro described the evolution of the July 26th Movement and the consolidation of Communism in Cuba. Abramov and Tellalov endorse Castro's leadership and review the Cuban military's strengths and weaknesses. There is a brief mention Sino-Soviet relations.

June 16, 1960

Report of the Governmental Delegation Visiting Argentina and Cuba

The document includes excerpts from a Bulgarian delegation's report on their visit to Latin America in 1960. The excerpt covers the delegation's visit to Cuba.

Avramova and Agnelov report Cuba's desire to establish diplomatic and cultural relations with Bulgaria. Cuba's interest paramountly involve trade. Avramova and Angelov summarize meetings with important government officials, particulalry Ernesto Guevara, head of the National Bank, and Raul Castro, Minister of Armed Forces. Topics include: the development of the revolution against the Batista government, post-Batista power struggles, geographical fatalism and US influence, Cuba's challenges (e.g. illiteracy, the lack of specialists), land and agricultural reform, construction, industrialization. The delegation recommends the establishment of official relations with Cuba and an invitation for Raul Castro to visit Bulgaria.

June 1960

Central Committee Bulgarian Communist Party Politburo Resolution Regarding Establishment of Diplomatic Relations with Cuba

In Resolution NO. 136, the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party establishes diplomatic relations with Cuba; sets the goal of establishing and expanding political, economic, and cultural relations with Cuba; and proposes an invitation for Raul Castro to visit Bulgaria. The resolution includes a report drafted by Minister of Foreign Trade Georgi Kumbiliev, on behalf of Todor Zhivkov, to Prime Minister Anton Jugov. Kumbiliev reviews Cuba's interest in a trade agreement with Bulgaria and provides background information about Cuba's trade agreements with other socialist countries, specifically Cuba's export of sugar and import of petrol and agricultural machines.

June 30, 1960

Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party Politburo Resolution Regarding Establishment of Diplomatic Relations with Cuba

Resolution of the Bulgarian Communist Party to establish diplomatic relations with Cuba. A report is presented which describes current Cuban economic and trade relations with the Soviet Union, as well as Poland and Czechoslovakia.

August 5, 1963

Bulgarian Consulate, Istanbul (Karadimov), Cable to Foreign Ministry

Bulgaria's General Consul in Istanbul, Turkey, reported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs information he received from the Chief of the Greek General Staff to Turkey. As recorded, the Greek General Staff reported a meeting between Turkish and Greek governments. The governments discussed a non-aggression pact between Warsaw Pact and NATO countries and the use of Polaris missile submarines in Turkish waters.

July 5, 1963

Bulgarian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Information Report on NATO

On 5 July 1963 the Bulgarian Ministry of Internal Affairs completed an information report on NATO's activity during the Cuban Missile Crisis. In the report, the ministry outlines detailed espionage carried out by NATO agents. According to the report, the NATO Military Intelligence Services provided instructions for NATO member-states' military attaches stationed in Warsaw Pact countries and agents they could get to cooperate with them. Agents were to observe and report specific military intelligence collecting in Warsaw Pact countries -- arms deliveries, missile sites, military movements, etc. The report also includes explanation of how the attaches carried out their intelligence gathering -- reading official press, speaking in Russian and misrepresenting themselves as Russian, etc . The Bulgarian Interior Ministry notes that Western governments were well-informed of Bulgarian military structures -- including exact formations and secret designations.

June 23, 1963

Bulgarian Foreign Ministry (Angelov), Cable to Bulgarian Embassy, Ankara

Deputy Forieng Minister Lubomir Angelov transmits to Bulgaria's embassy in Turkey information from Bulgarian Ambassador to Great Britain Radenko Grigorov. Angelov's message is handwritten and reports news about Soviet and US submarine presence in the Mediterranean, which initially Grigorov acquired from Turkey's ambassador to Great Britain.

June 6, 1963

Bulgarian Embassy, Athens (Minchev), Cable to Foreign Ministry

Bulgarian Embassy in Athens staff member Atanasov reports on Greek media accounts of military preparations to the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to Atanasov, Greek newspapers report preparations include Soviet movements in the Mediterranean in response to US submarines carrying Polaris missiles, Bulgarian maneuvers near the Greek and Turkish borders, and an anticipated NATO forward strategy in Greece. Atanasov adds that NATO is preparing the defense of possible attacks on Greece.

March 17, 1963

Bulgarian Embassy, Athens (Minchev), Cable to Foreign Ministry

Bulgarian Ambassador to Greece Nikolai Minchev relays recent newspaper reports to the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Minchev summarizes a recent NATO meeting in Athens where NATO staff and Turkish and Greek military personal discussed security in the two nations and the Balkan region as a whole.
