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March 1, 1955

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1954, No. 1 (Overall Issue No. 1)

This issue features content on China's cooperation with the Soviet Union, Mongolia, India, Albania, and Ceylon (Sri Lanka). It also has sections on Taiwan, education, economic policies, and railroad development.

February 1, 1970

Letter, Isa Yusuf Alptekin, President of the National Center for the Liberation of Eastern Turkestan, to President Richard Nixon

Isa Yusuf Alptekin writes to President Nixon to explain the plight of his people and to request assistance.

November 9, 1944

Letter No. 402 from L.D. Wilgress, Canadian Embassy, Moscow, to the Secretary of State for External Affairs, W.L. Mackenzie King

The Canadian Ambassador to the Soviet Union, L.D. Wilgress, thoroughly reviews Soviet foreign policy in Europe, Asia, and in Latin America and its relations with the United States and the United Kingdom. Wilgress optimistically concludes that "the Soviet Government are desirous of co-operating fully with the other great powers."

September 10, 1947

Telegram from Cde. Fedotov to Cde. V.M. Molotov

Cde. Fedotov suggests that General-Major Vladimir Stepanovich Yegnarov be dispatched to Xinjiang to led support to the rebels associated with the East Turkestan Republic (ETR).

September 10, 1947

Proposals of the Economic Research Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers in connection with the Situation in Xinjiang

The Soviet Council of Ministers offers four proposals to support the rebels in the East Turkestan Republic (ETR) and prevent the Chinese Guomindang from reclaiming territory in northern Xinjiang.

May 4, 1943

Excerpt on Xinjiang from Minutes No. 40 of the VKP(b) CC Politburo Meetings

The CPSU Central Committee announces that it "cannot tolerate such provocative activity" of Xinjiang Governor Sheng Shicai and that it will provide support to rebels "in their struggle against the repressive colonialist policy of the Governor."

June 26, 1946

Letter from Cde. M. Suslov to Cde. A.A. Zhdanov

Cde. Suslov offers suggestions for Soviet policy toward the rebellion in northern Xinjiang and the East Turkestan Republic (ETR).

August 1945

Telegram from Acting Chief of the USSR NKVD Troops Stakhanov to Cde. Beria

Stakhanov reports on the internment of approximately 1100 Chinese citizens in the Arkarly Mountains following the rebels' occupation of the city of Dorbiljin.

July 17, 1945

Telegram from Cde. Yegnarov for Cde. Beria

Yegnarov reports on a rebel battle against Chinese forces in Manas and Chinese troop movements in the Barlik Range, announcing the troop movements he ordered in light of these developments.

July 1945

Telegram from Cde. Yegnarov for Cde. Beria

Cde. Yegnarov reports on his meeting with "Sadyk," noting his persistent requests to begin military operations against the Chinese and for "Sadyk" to lead the operation against the Chinese in the South of Xinjiang. Yegnarov also describes military maneuvers in the Ili District and requests permission to transfer Red Army detachments in order to liberate the Tarbaghatai District.
