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May 15, 1985

Czechoslovak Translation of Soviet Report on the Sixth Round of Soviet-Chinese Consultations in Moscow

This report on Soviet-Chinese consultations in Moscow includes Soviet proposals to improve the relationship with China, including the establishment of a military expert commission on border questions. However, the Chinese delegation insists that the Soviet Union cease supporting Mongolia, Afghanistan, Vietnam, and Cambodia. The author concludes that mutual cooperation has not been substantially improved as a result of the consultations.

May 6, 1987

Transcript of Conversation between Todor Zhivokov and Zhao Ziyang in Beijing

Talks with Zhao Ziyang 6 of May 1987 in Beijing regarding Chinese and Bulgarian Communist policies.

October 13, 1972

Secret Telegram from Moscow to Warsaw, No. 11132

This telegram reports on the status of Sino-Soviet relations, as well as Sino-Japanese relations in light of an upcoming visit of the Japanese foreign minister to the Soviet Union.

August 21, 1961

Information on the Meeting with Comrade Zhou Enlai

Zhou Enlai and Reis Malile talked about the visit by Ho Chi Minh to Moscow. Zhou Enlai inform Reis Malile the conversation and opinions he and Liu Shaoqi had with Ho Chi Mind regarding the relations between Soviet Union, Albania, and Vietnam.

August 29, 1961

Information on the Meeting with Comrade Chen Yi

Chen Yi, Politburo member and minister of foreign affairs of the PRC, and Reis Malile, Albanian Ambassador to the PRC, discussed the relations between Albania, China, Soviet Union, and Vietnam.

June 16, 1967

Note from the Conversation between Comrade Zenon Kliszko and CC CCP Secretary Liu Ningyi

Comrade Kliszko presents Liu Ningyi with a letter from six socialist countries calling for a conference to discuss aid and coordination in Vietnam in response to "American imperialism." He urges China to rally against this common enemy, despite the ideological differences dividing the socialist nations. Liu responds harshly both to the proposal and to Comrade Kliszko's statement, arguing China "did not want anything to do with a revisionist clique of the Soviet Union’s leadership and its lackeys."

October 1969

Polish-Soviet Talks in Moscow

Excerpts from Polish-Soviet talks that focus on the China question. Brezhnev posits that the Chinese were the source of ideological divergence, and more specifically that their attitude has progressed to anti-Sovietism and anti-communism. Included is a report from a meeting with Zhou Enlai, who in discussing Czechoslovakia said a "process of bourgeoisie transformation and corruption was taking place over there, which is normal for all of the socialist countries." He attributed the cultural revolution with cutting off the roots of corruption in China.

June 25, 1971

Minutes of the Romanian Politburo Meeting Concerning Nicolae Ceauşescu's Visit to China, North Korea, Mongolia, and Vietnam

These are the minutes of a meeting of the Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Party discussing Romanian leader Nicolae Ceauşescu's 1971 visit to China. Ceauşescu reports on his visits to Chinese enterprises, universities, and laboratories, and acknowledges the achievements of the Cultural Revolution. The report on China is followed by comments on his subsequent visits to North Korea, Vietnam, and Mongolia. Finally, the discussion turns to Moscow's criticism of Ceauşescu's anti-Soviet statements during his stay in the Middle East.

January 1968

Polish-Soviet Talks in Lansk

Excerpts related to China from the Polish-Soviet talks of January 1968. Gomulka and Brezhnev agree that the "China issue will be the most difficult one during the consultative meeting in Budapest."

February 3, 1949

Memorandum of Conversation between Anastas Mikoyan and Mao Zedong

Anastas Mikoyan and Mao Zedong converse about the mediation talks between the CCP and the Guomindang, Yugoslavia, coordination between the communist parties of the Asian countries, and the history of the CCP.
