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February 22, 1972

Memorandum of Conversation between Richard Nixon and Zhou Enlai

September 6, 1975

Note regarding the Meeting between Ilie VerdeÈ› and Ji Denggui

Ji Denggui and Ilie VerdeÈ› discuss bilateral relations between China and Romania, nuclear proliferation and diarmament, Soviet-American relations, Comecon, European security, US policy toward Taiwan, Japan-Soviet relations, and economic development in China and Romania, among other topics.

October 11, 1956

I. Tugarinov to Cde. B.N. Ponomarev, ‘Concentering the Situation on Taiwan (Memorandum)’

February 27, 1972

Joint Communique between the United States and China

The United States and China pledge to improve relations with one another in the famous "Shanghai Communique."

July 18, 1955

Plan for the Sino-US Ambassadorial Talks in Geneva

The Chinese Foreign Ministry outlines objectives and strategies for negotiating with the United States.

November 19, 1957

Record of Conversation between Mao Zedong and A.A. Gromyko

A.A. Gromyko and Mao Zedong discussed Sino-Soviet relations, U.S. relations with Taiwan and Chiang Kai-shek, Chinese economic policy and conditions in comparison to industrialized countries, Chinese foreign policy and relations with the U.S. and Britain, the United Nations, Stalin, and Soviet leadership.

June 13, 1957

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Premier Zhou’s Conversation with Ambassador Nehru'

Premier Zhou Enlai and Indian Ambassador Ratan Kumar Nehru exchanged views on Taiwan Incident and situation in West Asia.

May 27, 1955

Summary of the Views of Afro-Asian Countries on the Taiwan Issue at the Afro-Asian Conference

The People's Republic of China maintains that the Taiwan issue was an internal issue of China, and it was the US who created tension by invading and occupying Taiwan.

May 26, 1955

Minutes of Conversation between Premier Zhou Enlai and British Charge d'Affaires Humphrey Trevelyan

Zhou briefed Trevelyan about China’s position in Taiwan issue that was produced in a document produced by PRC National People’s Congress Standing Committee in response to Britain’s request.
