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January 6, 1961

From the Journal of S. V. Chervonenko, Record of Conversation with Mao Zedong on 26 December 1960

Ambassador Chervonenko records an unexpected and surprisingly warm meeting with Mao in which the leader talks about his lessened role in the Chinese government.

March 2, 1969

Soviet Report to East German Leadership on Sino-Soviet Border Clashes

Soviet report summarizing Sino-Soviet military clashes along the border and the island of Damansky.

April 2, 1969

Telegram to East German Foreign Ministry from Ambassador to China

East German Ambassador Oskar Fischer reports on Soviet attempts to meet with Mao or Zhou Enlai about the on-going Sino-Soviet border dispute.

September 11, 1969

Information about A.N. Kosygin’s Conversation With Zhou Enlai on 11 September 1969

A.N. Kosygin met with Zhou Enlai, Li Xiannian, and Xie Fuzhi in an effort to improve strained relations between the Soviet Union and China. The main focus was the on-going Sino-Soviet border dispute. Kosygin also proposed the expansion of trade relations and economic cooperation as well as the normalizing of railroad and aviation connections. Significantly, the Soviet premier also acquiesced when Zhou declared that Beijing would not curtail its political and ideological criticism of the Soviet Union.

September 22, 1969

Information Report Sent by Khabarovskiy Kray (Territory) Committee to CPSU CC

Soviet Communist Party officials and activists in the regions bordering the People’s Republic of China respond to the news of Aleksei Kosygin’s 11 September 1969 meeting with Zhou Enlai in Beijing and efforts to defuse the growing rupture with China.

April 1963

Report from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'The Soviet Union’s Stance on the Sino-Indian Boundary Question and Soviet-Indian Relations'

An extensive report from the Chinese Foreign Ministry on the Soviet Union's policies vis-a-vis the Sino-Indian Border War.

March 12, 1963

Hungarian Embassy in Havana (Beck), Report on Conversation with Cuban Foreign Ministry Official on Hungarian-Cuban Relations and Sino-Soviet Split

Hungarian Ambassador to Cuba János Beck reports on a conversation between Hungarian functionaries Görög and Sütő and Cuban Ambassador to Hungary José Fuxa. Their discussion revolves around Cuban-Hungarian and Sino-Soviet relations.

January 1972

The International Activities of the Chinese Leadership and Conclusions for the Practice of the GDR's Relations with the PR China

The GDR Foreign Ministry outlines the current shifts in the PRC's foreign policy within the international community under the Mao group.

November 12, 1963

Memorandum of Conversation, Chinese Officials and the Hungarian Ambassador to China

Martin, the Hungarian ambassador to China, is involved with several conversations with Chinese officials before returning to Hungary, and the three highlighted conversations are with Zhu De, Chen Yi, and Zhou Enlai. Among other international issues, Zhu De discusses imperial attempts to restore capitalism in socialist countries and references “revisionism” in Hungary, to which Martin responds defensively. Chen Yi discusses Chinese industrial and economic development. Zhou Enlai discusses recent Chinese struggles, and interprets Martin’s reaction as distrust.

February 1, 1963

Memorandum of Conversation between the Delegates from the Society for Soviet-Chinese Friendship (OKSD), Li Xigeng and Li Zhanwu, with the Society's General Secretariat, 18 November 1962

A Soviet delegation visiting China meets with local representatives of the Society for Soviet-Chinese Friendship (OKSD) and the two groups have a tense conversation about the Soviet handling of the recent Cuban Missile Crisis.
