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July 13, 1950

Cable No. 3355, Filippov [Stalin] to the Soviet Ambassador, Peking

Stalin tells Mao that the British have been pressuring the Soviets to help for the North Koreans to withdraw to the 38th peril, and the Soviets are offended by this, and to want to insist on Soviet and PRC participation in the Security Council to resolve the issue. He also informs Mao of his willingness to send more planes, and more pilots to help train Chinese forces.

March 28, 1969

Far East Department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'The Domestic Situation and the Foreign Policy of the Korean People's Democratic Republic'(Regarding political report and other information materials of Soviet embassy in DPRK in 1968)

The document discusses the DPRK's difficult economic situation and several changes in the political system, such as a new ideology "Juche" and shifts in the high command in parties. It also examines international politics of DPRK with China, Japan, and the Soviet Union.

January 7, 1969

Y.D. Fadeev, First Secretary of the Soviet Embassy in North Korea, 'Korean-Chinese Relations in the Second Half of 1968 (Memo)'

The document examines Sino-Korean relations by analyzing international relations with US and Japan, describing how the ideology of Mao affects the relationship, and discussing trade relations and military relations.

December 8, 1972

A. Putintsev and V. Gorovoy, 'Key Aspects of Korean-Chinese relations in 1972'

A letter from the Soviet Embassy in Pyongyang reviewing developments in Sino-North Korean relations in 1972, including the effects of China’s anti-Soviet campaigns and Beijing’s seeking of closer ties with the US and Japan.

October 2, 1980

Telegram from the Hungarian Embassy in Pyongyang, 'KWP’s 6th Congress'

The Hungarian Embassy in Pyongyang reports on the agenda of the 6th Congress of the KWP as well as the international delegations attending.

September 2, 1980

Telegram from the Hungarian Embassy in Pyongyang, 'KWP's 6th Congress'

The Hungarian Embassy in Pyongyang reports which foreign delegations the Korean Workers' Party is inviting to its 6th Congress.

January 20, 1951

Report from P. F. Yudin to I. V. Stalin on Meetings with the Leaders of the Communist Party of China, including Mao Zedong on 31 December 1950

Yudin recounts his meetings with Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, and Zhou Enlai. In three meetings, Yudin learned more about China's relations with other communist parties in Asia, economic conditions in China, and developments in the Korean War.

November 22, 1979

Cable, South Korean Ambassador in the UK to South Korean Minister of Foreign Affairs

Details from a conversation between the South Korean ambassador to the United Kingdom with Julian Ridsdale, Member of Parliament, on US troops stationed in Korea, the Soviet Union and China's viewpoints on Korea's reunification, and other matters.

October 29, 1960

Journal of Soviet Ambassador in the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 29 October 1960

Kim Chang-man notifies Puzanov of North Korea's attendance at a meeting of communist and workers parties, and comments on Kim Il Sung's health.

October 8, 1960

Journal of Soviet Ambassador in the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 8 October 1960

Petro Gedeshi and Kurt Schneidewind argue about the Soviet decision to recall specialists from the China. Kim Il Sung understands the delay of Khrushchev's visit to the DPRK and suggests that it be rescheduled for spring 1961.
