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July 30, 1959

Memorandum, Stephen G. Xydis to Gene Sosin, 'RE Policy Position Statement: Cuba'

An AMCOMLIB policy assistant comments on a draft RL policy paper on Cuba. (The paper is not attached.)

April 3, 1963

From the Journal of A.I. Alekseyev, 'Record of a Conversation with Raul Castro Ruz, Minister of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Cuba, 6 March 1963'

Raul Castro recounts his and Fidel's early revolutionary sentiments and bemoans provocative Chinese activity undermining the world Communist movement.

December 10, 1964

From the Diary of A. I. Alekseyev, Record of a Conversation with Argentinian Communist Party CC Secretary, Victorio Cadovilla, 25 November 1964

Cadovilla informs Alekseyev about a conference of representatives of the Communist parties of Latin America, in which Cadovilla served as chairman. At the conference, each of the representatives discussed the revolutionary movement in their respective countries. Cuban representatives, Castro and Guevara, asked many questions and voiced their opinions regarding the movement, the USSR, China, and Latin American countries' role in the development of the Cuban revolution.

May 19, 1964

From the Diary of N. A. Belous, Record of a Conversation with a Member of the Editorial Board of the Magazine 'Cuba Socialista,' Fabio Grobart, 13 May 1964

Grobart discusses the question of potential attacks by counterrevolutionaries in Cuba. Prompted by further questioning, he discusses discrepancies and contradictions within the CPSU leadership, and controversy surrounding Che Guevara and his unique opinion on certain issues.

February 28, 1964

Synopsis of Reference Material about a 'New Stage' of the Cuban Revolution, Compiled by the Embassy of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic in Cuba

Cuban foreign and domestic policy is analyzed. Cuba's long-term economic improvement and international agreements regarding Cuban sugar exports are discussed, indicating a "new stage" of the Cuban revolution.

November 30, 1962

Hungarian Embassy in Havana (Beck), Report on Cuban–Soviet Divergence

Hungarian Ambassador to Cuba János Beck reports on Cuban-Soviet divergence after the Cuban Missile Crisis. Cuba’s divergence includes other socialist countries, while preserving a special relationship with Czechoslovakia. Beck offers criticism of Cuba’s leadership, politics, and independent stance, but along with the Soviet Union reinforces that Cuba is true to the revolution.

June 25, 1962

Hungarian Embassy in Havana (Beck), Report on Talk with Cuban President Osvaldo Dorticos on 15 June 1962

In a top secret report, Hungarian Ambassador to Cuba János Beck describes a recent meeting with Cuban President Osvaldo Dorticos. Beck divides the conversation among five categories—agriculture, industry, central planning, counter-revolutionary activities, and the party. Dorticos reports improvements and obstacles (e.g. agricultural production is developing, though slowly, and the growth of the party remains in its initial stages of formation).

April 16, 1965

Czechoslovakian Report on Visit of Cuban Delegation and Talks with Minister of National Defense, Bohumir Lomsky

Report on visit of Cuban Delegation in Czechoslovakia and conversation on 16 April 1965. This document contains information about visit of the Czechoslovak military delegation in Cuba on 30 March - 9 April 1965. There are attachments to the document: draft of the resolution, the report, report on important conversations in connection with the visit. The visit occurred at the time of heightened acts of aggression of the USA against the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, and thus it was regarded as highly important in Cuba. It contributed to strengthening of Cs. Cuban friendship and to strengthening of the friendship in arms of our armies.

December 31, 1975

Todor Zhivkov, Reports to Bulgarian Communist Party Politburo on his Visit to Cuba

Todor Zhivkov reports his impressions of his recent visit to Cuba. The report is a rough outline of topics ranging from advancements in the Cuban revolution since 1959 to prospective ways to improve Bulgarian-Cuban relations. In the report Zhivkov presents his assessment of the Cuban Communist Party congress. Party documents show a maturing understanding of Marxism-Leninism and a new clarity in the Cuban Communist Party as a whole. Zhivkov’s report includes examples of Cuba’s self-criticism and Zhivkov’s own criticism of Cuba’s leadership. Some topics of discussion include: cultural and economic specialist exchanges, the price of sugar, Cuba’s increased collaboration with Soviet Union and other socialist nations, and economic subsidies and aid.

March 4, 1961

Bulgarian Embassy, Havana (Michev), Information Regarding the Reorganization of the Cuban Government

Bulgaria’s Ambassador to Cuba Konstantin Michev reports on the reorganization of Cuba’s revolutionary government. In the report Michev notes that the government is realigning itself with the intent to become socialist, though not publicizing it. The realignment includes the creation of ministries and committees to oversee the transition and affairs of the country. Fidel Castro, Raul Castro, and Ernesto Guevara are assigned key posts to manage the transition. Through the help of socialist countries, Cuba is developing independent of USA, which previously hampered Cuba’s growth and development. Michev also notes that the Cuban government is prepared to defend itself against counter-revolution and US intervention into Cuban affairs.
