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July 25, 1985

Interview with Fidel Castro

A portion of an interview with Fidel Castro by Mervyn Dymally, an American politician, where Castro discusses his view that the 1988 Summer Olympic games in Seoul should be a joint effort between North and South Korea.

November 20, 1984

Information on Changes in the Strategic and Tactical Struggle of the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMNL)

A description of measures taken by the military leadership of FMNL to improve the organized struggle in Central America, in terms of creating opportunities for large-scale operations intended to lead to the ultimate defeat of the enemy – the government-supported army of El Salvador. The information was compiled based on sources of the Vietnamese Embassy in Havana, and with the cooperation of the Cuban comrades. According to the document, a decision was made to regroup military units from small squads to battalions and brigades. Following this course, the partisan movements earned considerable success in 1984, but their actions easy to trace due to the size of the new formations. As a result the Front’s combat units, hospitals and supply bases suffered severe blows. The situation at hand required that FMNL reassess its strategy and make important changes in accord with the anticipated victory of the Sandinista movement in Nicaragua and that of Reagan in the US. The document states that FMNL’s leadership switched its strategic and tactical line and reverted to armed struggle conducted by small mobile squads. This change aided the suppression of the government armed forces’ offensive.

July 11, 1985

Information about the Visit of a Delegation of the Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity (GNRU) to Bulgaria

A summary of statements made by GNRU leaders during meetings with Bulgarian officials, regarding the history of GNRU and its ongoing struggle to maintain its existence and to help unify communist movements throughout Central America. During the visit the delegation requested financial assistance from Bulgaria’s Fatherland Front along with the establishment of a university exchange program with AONSU [Bulgaria's Academy for Social Sciences and Management]. The following GNRU leaders were present: Rolando Morán, Gaspar Ilom, Pablo Monsanto. Ana-Maria, Ronaldo Moran’s spouse, and Captain Maria, spouse of Pablo Monsanto, attended some of the meetings and met with the Vice-Chair of the Bulgarian Women’s Movement – comrade V. Grueva. Comrade Pencho Kubadinski and Comrade Dimitar Stanishev welcomed the delegation and held discussions with all three leaders.

November 9, 1982

Information from the Bulgarian Communist Party Regarding the visit of the Secretary General of the Communist Party of Honduras – Rigoberto Padilla

Summary of recent developments in the formation of a unified leftist movement in Honduras lead by the country’s communist party, in an attempt to counter the “imperial” influence of the USA. The text suggests that various pro-communist movements within Central Latin America have formed, and have started to cooperate with the intent to create a network. The Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) and the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) have played most prominent role in this endeavor. The Honduras Communist party has worked internally in the direction of creating a strong consolidated left wing movement. The document mentions future plans for mutual cooperation between the Bulgarian Communist Party and the Honduras Communist Party.
