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April 17, 1965

Record of Conversation between Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Vasily Kuznetsov and North Korean Ambassador to the Soviet Union Kim Byeong-jik

Kim Byeong-jik discusses the situation in South Korea and Japanese-South Korean relations.

April 9, 1966

Record of Conversation between Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko and North Korean Foreign Minister Pak Seong-cheol

Pak Seong-cheol claims that the American forces in South Korea are a hindrance in the way of reunification and comments on Soviet-North Korean relations and Japan.

March 13, 1972

Note on a Conversation with the 1st Secretary of the USSR Embassy, Comrade Kurbatov, on 10 March 1972 in the GDR Embassy

During the conversation there was an exchange of opinions on the following questions: 1. The DPRK Position on the Nixon Visit to Beijing and its Influence on the Situation in Korea, 2. Conversation of Comrade Brezhnev with Foreign Minister Ho Dam in Moscow, 3. Some Aspects of KWP Activity in the Communist World Movement, 4. 60th Birthday of Kim Il Sung on 15 April

May 3, 1972

On the Three Principles of National Reunification, Conversations with the South Korean Delegates to the High-Level Political Talks between North and South Korea

Based on Kim Il Sung's conversations with Lee Hu-rak, a number of changes have been made in this officially published record to stress the importance of the "Three Principles of National Reunification."

June 9, 1972

Note: On Information from DPRK Deputy Foreign Minister, Comrade Ri Man-seok, on 8 June 1972 for the Ambassadors of the European Socialist Countries (except Albania)

Ri Man-seok insists that North Korea is driving force behind the inter-Korean talks, while South Korea is resistant to their proposals for full and free exchanges between the two Koreas.

April 19, 1972

Meeting with Director of KCIA Lee Hu-rak (1)

Lee Hu-rak and Kim Deok-hyeon discuss the importance of holding meetings between Lee and Kim Yeong-ju in order to begin the process of building a rapport which will lead to working level meetings and laying the groundwork for reunification.

June 13, 1954

Telegram, Zhou Enlai to Mao Zedong and Others, Regarding the Situation at the Fourteenth Plenary Session

Tensions rise as the six western countries decide the Korean issue should be returned to the UN if decisions cannot be reached in this episode of the Geneva conference.

June 14, 1954

Minutes, Meeting between Wang Bingnan and French Delegation Member Jean Paul-Boncour (Summary)

Paul-Boncour and Bingnan discuss the Korean issue. Paul-Boncour states that the US is joining 15 other countries to "sabotage" the conference on the issue of international supervision of Korean unification.

June 17, 1954

Telegram, Zhou Enlai to Mao Zedong and Others, Regarding the Situation at the Fifteenth Plenary Session

Zhou reports on the fifteenth plenary session on Korea. After several of their proposals of the Soviet, Korean, and Chinese delegations are turned down, the other 16 nations issue a joint declaration to end the conference. After this, Zhou proposes that the 19 nations issue a joint statement reflecting their common desire to achieve the peaceful settlement of the Korean issue. This proposal is also rejected, and the meeting ends with no agreements made.

June 18, 1954

Minutes, Meeting between Zhou Enlai and the Australian Minister for External Affairs, Richard Casey (Summary)

Zhou and Casey discuss issues of Korean unification, PRCs recognition in the UN, and Indochina. Zhou insists that if a nation establishes military bases in another country's territory, it is for aggressive reasons.
