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March 20, 1972

Report from Dr. Pataki János, 'The visit of DPRK ambassador Pak Gyeong-sun'

A report by Dr. Pataki Janos on a conversation with North Korean ambassador Pak Gyeong-sun, discussing Korean reunification and the invitation of some UN Representatives from Africa to North Korea.

February 4, 1972

Report by Dr. Pataki János, 'The visit of Korean councilor Ahn Gi-son'

A report from Dr.Pataki Janos on the visit of North Korean councilor Ahn Gi-Son, and their discussion of North Korea’s views on various UN issues.

September 7, 1960

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 7 September 1960

Puzanov and Kim Il Sung review their positions on the Korean issue at the 15th UN General Assembly Session. Kim Il Sung also reports on his industrial inspection of South Hamgyong Province.

June 15, 1960

Journal of Soviet Ambassador in the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 15 June 1960

Khrushchev gives Kim Il Sung a copy of Mao Zedong's statements stemming from the 1956 August Incident and the joint Sino-Soviet intervention.

June 5, 1979

Note for the File: Meeting with Ambassador Han Si Hae (DPRK) on 1 June 1979

Mayrhofer writes a note on meeing with DPRK ambassador Han Si Hae on 1 June, 1979.

September 28, 1976

Telegram to the President from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, 'Report on the Meeting between the Foreign Minister of the ROK and the US Secretary of State and Foreign Ministers of the ROK and Japan'

A report on the conversation between Minister of Foreign Affairs Pak Tong-Jin and US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. The relationship between South Korea, North Korea, and the United States are discussed and linked with specific issues such as the Axe Murder Incident and conversations between US and North Korea.

December 17, 1974

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3333, "Question of Korea"

November 18, 1975

United Nationals General Assembly Resolution 3390A/3390B, "Question of Korea"

December 12, 1948

A/RES/293, The Problem of the Independence of Korea

After accepting the United Nations Temporary Commission on Korea's report on the validity of the South Korean election, the UN General Assembly passes Resolution 195 to recognize the Republic of Korea as a legitimate government on the Korean Peninsula.

November 14, 1947

112 (II), The Problem of the Independence of Korea

UN Resolution 112 (II), "The Problem of the Independence of Korea," calls for elections to be held and for foreign troops to withdraw in order to achieve the unification of the Korean Peninsula.
