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June 26, 1967

Excerpt from Information Report Embassy Bucharest of 26 June 1967

East German diplomats report on U.S. foreign policy in South Korea, and allege that China wishes to overthrow Kim Il Sung.

March 28, 1973

Note On a Conversation with Comrade Kurbatov, 1st Secretary of the USSR Embassy, on 26 March 1973 in the USSR Embassy

A note on PRC-DPRK relations, especially regarding the issues of Korean unification, China-North Korea border issues, and the withdrawal of U.S. troops.

July 13, 1972

Memorandum, Hungarian Foreign Ministry

The Hungarian Foreign Ministry summarizes the change of the positions of North and South Korea on the unification of the Korean Peninsula, Soviet-Korean relations, and the involvement of China and the United States on the Korean Peninsula.

April 19, 1972

Report, Embassy of Hungary in North Korea to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

Pak Seong-cheol tells his Hungarian colleagues that the Park Chung Hee regime is facing crises internally as well as externally.

December 20, 1971

Telegram, Embassy of Hungary in North Korea to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

The Embassy of Hungary in North Korea recounts statements from Kim Il Sung regarding South Korea, Soviet-American relations, and his views of the Soviet Union.

April 20, 1971

Telegram, Embassy of Hungary in Romania to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

A report of the attempted kidnapping of the Belgian Ambassador, who was mistaken for an American, by North Korean assailants.

October 10, 1948

Soviet Political, Economic, and Cultural Aid to the DPRK People for the DPRK's Democratic Construction

The Ministry of Culture and Propaganda publishes a pamphlet on the Soviet Union's tremendous assistance to the DPRK and contrasts the Soviet Union with the behavior of the US and Japan.

September 18, 1960

The Korean People's Democratic Republic (A Brief Memorandum)

Tugarinov discusses the division of the Korean Peninsula in 1945 and the political and economic situation in the DPRK and ROK respectively.

June 12, 1960

The Economic and Political Situation of the DPRK

The memorandum elaborates on the rapid economic growth and development in domestic policies in the DPRK after the Korean War.

April 6, 1955

The Nature of Our Revolution at the Current Stage and the Primary Tasks of Our Party in the Cause of Socialist Development in North Korea

Suzdalev comments on the problems with a KWP CC document, "The Nature of Our Revolution at the Current Stage and the Primary Tasks of Our Party in the Cause of Socialist Development in North Korea".
