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September 4, 1947

Letter, V.M. Molotov to George C. Marshall

Molotov blames the Americans for the failure of the US-Soviet Joint Commission on Korea and rejects the latest proposals put forth by Robert A. Lovett.

December 23, 1985

On the Current Situation in the DPRK

North Korea is said to have started acknowledging the World War II and Korean War-era assistance of the USSR and China once again. Some Western literature is now available in the DPRK. And a flurry of construction projects have begun outside of Pyongyang.

September 16, 1952

Report, Zhou Enlai to the Chairman [Mao Zedong] and the Central Committee

Zhou Enlai updates Mao Zedong on the latest conversations with Stalin and other members of the Soviet leadership. Topics of discussion included Soviet technical assistance to China, developments in the Korean War, the United Nations, and the formation of a regional organization for Asia.

July 27, 1952

Letter, Mao Zedong to Comrade Filippov [Stalin]

Mao Zedong briefs Stalin on the proposed itinerary of a delegation to Moscow led by Zhou Enlai.

November 2, 1970

Kim Il Sung, 'Report on the Work of the Central Committee to the Fifth Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea'

Kim Il Sung's speech to the Fifth Congress of the Korean Workers' Party.


Korea: Uneasy Truce in the Land of the Morning Calm (New York: American-Korean Friendship and Information Center, 1976)

The AFKIC introduces its mission, the history of Korea, and the current situation on the Peninsula.


North Korean Journey: A View of Workers’ Democracy

Fred Carrier reports on a visit to North Korea made by the AKFIC in June-July 1973.


Operation War Shift: Position Paper, Second (Revised) Edition

A position paper of the American-Korean Friendship and Information Center, describing the organization's objectives in the context of the Vietnam War.

August 3, 1953

Confidential Memorandum, Before Agreeing to the Armistice Agreement

When the United States agreed to a truce talk to end the Korea War, President Syngman Rhee disapproved. He opposed the truce and tried to attack these peace proceedings through a serious of events- such as releasing thousands of prisoners of war and creating turmoil for the US government. In order to persuade Rhee to accept the armistice defense, the US dispatches Assistant Secretary of State Walter Robertson to meet with the South Korean president in a series of bargaining discussions. Eventually, under certain conditions and a mutual defense pact with the US, Rhee agrees to the armistice.

August 14, 1953

Memorandum, President Syngman Rhee to All Diplomatic Officials

Following the ratification of the Armistice Agreement and the Mutual Defense Treaty, President Rhee conveys that he expects the Armistice to fail because the communists will “undoubtedly” violate it and undermine Korean independence. Rhee wants to renew war to secure victory but most importantly to strengthen the ROK-U.S alliance. Following the memorandum he makes twelve points ranging from topic like Korean rehabilitation to prisoners of war from the Korean War.
