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June 20, 1956

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1956, No. 23 (Overall Issue No. 49)

This issue addresses the temporary withdrawal of Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission inspection teams from designated North and South Korean ports. It also discusses the Sino-American ambassadorial talks, results from the national economic plan for 1955, and environmental and industrial concerns. One section addresses the problem of reducing illiteracy among opera and drama artists.

August 25, 1955

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1955, No. 13 (Overall Issue No. 16)

This issue begins with a notice about the establishment of Sino-Nepalese diplomatic relations. It then features a statement from the PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs about South Korean threats to disrupt the Korean Armistice Agreement. Other sections address various matters such as construction, instructions from the Ministry of Supervision on equipment maintenance in industrial departments, and the allocation of jobs for college graduates after the summer.

June 7, 1984

Information About the State Visit of the General Secretary of the WPK CC and President of the DPRK, Kim Il Sung, to the GDR

A comprehensive overview of North Korean-East German ties as well as North Korea's overall foreign relations in light of a visit to the GDR made by Kim Il Sung.

September 10, 1961

Record of Conversation between Comrade Kim Il Sung and Comrade Deng Xiaoping

Deng Xiaoping and Kim Il Sung discuss a range of issues, including agriculture in North Korea, Koreans in Japan, and the situation in South Korea.