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August 1, 1961

Summary of Comments by N. S. Khrushchev concerning the Question of the Conclusion of a Peace Treaty with the German Democratic Republic

Khrushchev remembers the signing of peace agreement with Japan and the exclusion of the Soviet Union from it. He criticizes the politics of Adenauer and warns about the destructive effects of potential world war. Khrushchev suggests signing the peace agreement to avoid the possibility of a nuclear war against the US and its allies

July 12, 1985

Cable No. 956, Ambassador Kiuchi to the Foreign Minister, 'Meeting of the Japanese Foreign Minister and the US Secretary of State (Kuala Lumpur)'

A telegram describing a meeting between the Japanese Foreign Minister and the US Secretary of State in Kuala Lumpur. At the meeting, they discussed the American hostages in Lebanon and diplomatic meetings with Syria.

July 26, 1985

[Draft] Letter, Shintaro Abe, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, to George P. Shultz, Secretary of State

In a letter to Secretary of State Schultz, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan Abe describes his visits with various countries in the Middle East after the ASEAN Post-Ministerial Conference with Dialogue Partners. He discusses the Iran-Iraq conflict, the American hostages held in Lebanon, and the general issue of peace in the Middle East.

July 30, 1985

Cable No. 3883, Foreign Minister to the Ambassador to the United States [Matsunaga, Nobuo], 'Minister’s Visit to the Middle East (Notifying the United States)'

A draft telegram from the Japanese Foreign Minister to the Japanese Ambassador to the United States about notifying the United States of the Minister's visit to the Middle East

July 30, 1985

Cable No. 3882, Foreign Minister to the Ambassador to the United States [Matsunaga, Nobuo], 'Minister’s Visit to the Middle East (Notifying the United States)'

A telegram from the Foreign Minister in Japan to the Japanese Ambassador to the United States requesting that the Ambassador deliver a letter to Secretary Shultz concerning the Foreign Minister’s trip to the Middle East.

July 26, 1985

Message to Secretary Shultz (Draft)

This draft message to Secretary of State Schultz from a Japanese government official summarizes a series of trips to countries in the Middle East and appeals to the United States to assist in obtaining peace in the Middle East.

July 26, 1985

Written Approval [for the 'Minister’s Visit to the Middle East (Notifying the United States Side)']

A note seeking approval for a message to Secretary Shultz about Minister Abe’s visit to the Middle East.

July 24, 1985

Cable No. 5604, Charge d'Affaires Murazumi to the Foreign Minister, 'Your Visit to the Middle East (Notifying the United States)'

A telegram from Charge d’Affaires Murazumi to the Foreign Minister summarizing a meeting between with the State Department’s Deputy Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs Pelletreau regarding the American hostages in Lebanon.

July 20, 1985

Cable No. 3738, Acting Foreign Minister to the Ambassador to the United States, 'Minister’s Visit to the Middle East (Notifying the United States)'

A telegram from the Acting Foreign Minister in Japan to the Ambassador to the United States informing the United States of the Minister’s visit to the Middle East.

July 30, 1985

Cable No. 388, Foreign Minister to the Ambassador [Kato], 'Problem of the Release of the American Hostages (Special Message to Foreign Minister Shara)'

A telegram documenting correspondence between the Foreign Minister Shara and the Ambassador to Syria regarding the American hostages in Lebanon.
