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March 1, 1955

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1954, No. 1 (Overall Issue No. 1)

This issue features content on China's cooperation with the Soviet Union, Mongolia, India, Albania, and Ceylon (Sri Lanka). It also has sections on Taiwan, education, economic policies, and railroad development.

April 14, 1961

Memorandum of Conversation between Li Xiannian and Abdyl Kellezi

Li Xiannian and Abdyl Kellezi review technical and economic assistance lent to Albania by China, Czechoslovakia, and the Soviet Union.

August 3, 1964

Comrade Zhou Enlai, Comrade Peng Zhen Receive Tran Tu Binh, Vietnam’s Ambassador to China; Nesti Nase, Albania’s Ambassador to China; and Pak Se-chang, Korea’s Ambassador to China

The meeting was among leaders from China, Vietnam, North Korea and Albania in 1964. They discussed Soviet-Romanian relations and plans to support Romania.

July 27, 1961

Information on the Meeting with Comrade Chen Yi

Chen Yi, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the PRC and a member of the CCP CC Politburo, met with the Albanian Ambassador to PRC Reis Malile about the relations between Soviet Union and other socialist countries, particularly China and Albania. They also talked about the Geneva Conference on Laos, the Soviet-US negotiation on the Laos issue, the Soviet economic assistance, and Chinese internal situations.

June 19, 1962

Fifth Official Meeting Between the Delegation of the Albanian Labor Party and the Delegation of the Chinese Communist Party

Albanian leaders Hysni Kapo and Ramiz Alia meet with a Chinese delegation to discuss industrialization in Communist countries, specificallyAlbania's five-year plan. The Albanians complain about being excluded from international meetings of the socialist countries. The Chinese update the Albanians on their position of supporting Jiang Jieshi over the "Two Chinas" objective of the United States and their relations with other countries throughout Asia, while encouraging the Albanians to reach out to the Muslim nations of Africa.