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May 13, 1959

From the Meeting of the Delegation of the Party of Labor of Albania with Comrade Mao Zedong on 13 May 1959

Mao and Kapo discuss Albania's history and its present day struggle with Yugoslavia. Mao reviews the CCP's own history as well as developments in Tibet.

May 15, 1964

Record of the Conversation from Chairman Mao’s Audience with the Albanian Women’s Delegation and Albanian Film Workers

Mao and Vito Kapo discuss Sino-Albanian relations in the context of the anti-revisionist struggle against the Soviet Union.

June 1967

Directive [from Mao Zedong] Regarding Comrade Yao Wenyuan’s Visit to Albania

Mao reminds Comrade Yao Wenyuan to remain humble on his upcoming trip to Albania for the sake of China's Red Guards.

June 1967

[Mao Zedong's] Revisions for a Speech That Chinese Red Guard Delegates [Will Deliver] in Albania

Mao deletes and revises phrases in a speech that Chinese Red Guards would subsequently deliver on a trip to Albania.

September 13, 1954

[Mao Zedong's] Reply After Receiving the Credentials of Albania's Ambassador [to China]

Mao welcomes the first Ambassador from Albania to the People's Republic of China and celebrates the bonds between their two countries.

May 15, 1964

Conversation from [Mao Zedong's] Audience with Members of an Albanian Women's Delegation and Film Crew Workers

Mao and visitors from Albania discuss the need to unite and guard against revisionism with the production of their own literature and art.

November 15, 1963

Conversation from [Mao Zedong's] Audience with the Albanian Prosecutor General and Others

Mao meets with the Albanian Prosecutor General, Aranit Çela, and Sofikli Papavasili, an inspector from the Central Committee of the Albanian Party of Labor, during their first visit to China. Among other topics, they discuss the need to wage class struggle and to reform counter-revolutionaries, such as the last Emperor of China, through education. The Chinese Prosecutor General, Zhang Dingcheng, and his deputy, Huang Huoxing, are also present. (Note that the given name of the Chinese Prosecutor General Zhang Dingcheng was redacted due to his being denouced by Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution.)

May 4, 1963

[Mao Zedong's] Audience with Representatives of the Albanian Youth Labor League, Journalists, Trade Unions, and Archives

Mao discusses the problem of revisionism and several other topics with visiting delegations from Albania. He emphasizes that their countries will need to support each other.

March 8, 1955

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1954, No. 3 (Overall Issue No. 3)

This issue covers a meeting between the Chinese and Burmese prime ministers. It also includes letters that a Chinese government delegation and Enver Hoxha exchanged for Albania's tenth anniversary. In terms of domestic policy, among other topics, it provides instructions for issuing bonds to help build the nation's economy, regulations for arrest and detention, and regulations for urban residence committees.

September 30, 1954

Minutes of the Conversation between Vice Premier Li Xiannnian and the Head of the Albanian Government Delegation Behar Shtylla

Li Xiannian and Shtylla discuss cooperation between Albania and the PRC.
