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Report on the Withdrawal of Soviet Troops from Eastern Europe

This report lists the quantities of troops and pieces of military equipment that were being withdrawn from Czechoslovakia, Hungary, the GDR, and Poland. It also details alternate timelines for withdrawal proposed by leadership in Central and Eastern Europe.

March 10, 1988

Anatoly Chernyaev, Notes from a Meeting of the Politburo

Politburo meeting centered on Comecon and the importance of maintaining fruitful trade relationships with other socialist nations.

August 24, 1989

Information of the Romanian Embassy in Budapest to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1415 hrs

A Romanian official at the Embassy in Budapest reports on the Hungarian response to Ceaușescu's 19 August 1989 appeal regarding the situation in Poland.

September 5, 1985

Transcript of the SED Politburo Session held on 5 September 1989

A transcript of an SED Politburo Session discussing Hungary's decision to open its western border and allow East German citizens to cross into Austria.

June 14, 1989

Conversation between M. S. Gorbachev and FRG Chancellor Helmut Kohl

Gorbachev and Kohl discuss relations with the United States, Kohl's upcoming visit to Poland, and the status of reforms in various socialist countries.

July 25, 1989

Report of the President of Hungary Rezso Nyers and General Secretary Karoly Grosz on Talks with Gorbachev in Moscow (excerpts)

President of People’s Republic of Hungary, Rezso Nyers, and General Secretary of the Hungarian Socialist Workers Party, Karoly Grosz, report on their talks with Gorbachev in Moscow, 24-25 July, 1989. The excerpts contains economic reformer Nyers’ assessment of the political situation in Hungary, and first among the factors that "can defeat the party," he lists "the past, if we let ourselves [be] smeared with it." The memory of the revolution of 1956 and its bloody repression by the Soviets was Banquo’s ghost, destroying the legitimacy of the Hungarian Socialist Workers Party, just as 1968 in Prague and 1981’s martial law in Poland and all the other Communist "blank spots" of history came back in 1989 to crumble Communist ideology. For their part, the Communist reformers (including Gorbachev) did not quite know how to respond as events accelerated in 1989, except not to repeat 1956.

February 1989

Memorandum to Alexander Yakovlev from the Bogomolov Commission (Marina Sylvanskaya)

Memorandum to Alexander Yakovlev from the Bogomolov Commission (Marina Sylvanskaya) describing the changes in individual Eastern European countries and their impact on the Soviet Union