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February 27, 1951

[Memorandum] Russian-Language Broadcasts by Fund to Soviet Personnel in Eastern European Satellite Countries

A Free Europe Committee memorandum discusses possible Russian-language broadcasts to Soviet military forces in Eastern Europe. Includes attachment titled "Specific Proposals for Fund Russian Language Broadcasts to Soviet Personnel in Eastern European Satellite Countries".

April 30, 1948

George F. Kennan, 'The Inauguration of Organized Political Warfare'

State Department Policy Planning Director George Kennan outlines, in a document for the National Security Council, the idea of a public committee, working closely with the US government, to sponsor various émigré activities.

October 29, 1971

Report by KGB Chairman Andropov on Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty

A report from KGB Chairman Andropov to the Central Committee of the CPSU assessing the status of Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe in their “transition” period and measures that might be taken to weaken them. It alleges that RFE and RL are planning subversive actions against the USSR at the Munich Olympics. It credits the Soviet bloc intelligence services with increasing the problems of the Radios. The document indicates timely KGB knowledge of internal RL documents such as the March 15, 1971 revision of the Radio Liberty Policy Manual.

September 15, 1958

Report to Central Committee on Press Conference about 'Provocative and Subversive Activities of American Radio Stations'

Description of a 1958 press conference in Moscow organized by the State Committee on Cultural Relations, with KGB assistance, to discredit Western broadcasts to the USSR and Eastern Europe. The press conference drew on the presence of alleged former employees of the radio stations.

November 23, 1960

International Operations Division, Management Turmoil at Radio Free Europe

The IOD officer responsible for RFE informs Cord Meyer of the turmoil in the RFE Czechoslovak Service. He opines that resignation of the RFE Munich leadership [European Director Erik Hazelhoff and his deputies David Penn and Charles J. McNeill] “would be an extremely healthy thing.”

October 24, 1956

Memorandum from [redacted] for Chief, ICD, ‘Guidance to Radio Liberation from New York on Satellite Situation’

The International Operations Division officer responsible for Radio Liberty notes to Cord Meyer his disagreement with RL’s policy of avoiding all commentary on the Hungarian Revolution. He cites Meyer’s intention to discuss the issue with AMCOMLIB president Sargeant.

March 8, 1954

Memorandum from [redacted] for Chief, IO/1, ‘History of the Efforts on the Part of the American Committee to Establish Large Scale Radio Activities’

An International Organizations Division memorandum reviews the history of AMCOMLIB efforts to organize radio broadcasts, noting that they became the primary AMCOMLIB activity only after issuance of the Jackson Committee report in September 1953.

August 10, 1950

Office of Policy Coordination Provides Propaganda Themes for Radio Free Europe

The Office of Policy Coordination provides the Free Europe Committee with four suggested propaganda themes for RFE broadcasts.

November 1, 1949

Memorandum for Mr. Wisner, 'HCFE Broadcasting (Interim Report)' [Approved for Release, November 7, 2012]

An official from the Department of State, the Office of Policy Coordination updates Frank Wisner on possibilities for providing the Free Europe Committee (FEC) with intelligence reports for use in planned Radio Free Europe broadcasts. He also suggests that Foreign Broadcast Information Bureau monitoring reports of Soviet bloc media can be provided, but only in English translations.

October 14, 1970

Valtin-Brandt Discussion of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty

CIA official Fred Valtin provides a detailed report on his discussion of RFE and RL with German Chancellor Willy Brandt.
