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June 10, 1943

Concerning a Spiritual Directorate of Muslims of Central Asia and Kazakhstan

The Politburo directs the NKVD to permit the organization of a Spiritual Directorate of Muslims of Central Asia and Kazakhstan.

April 19, 1941

Excerpt on Xinjiang from Minutes of the VKP(b) CC Politburo Meetings

The Politburo issued 5.25 million rubles to support the NKO's operations in the Mongolian People's Republic and Xinjiang, the independent NKVD rifle battalion in Xinjiang, and the topographic detachment in Xinjiang until the end of 1941.

March 14, 1940

Concerning the Secret Cipher Unit of the USSR Consulate in Urumqi

The Politburo directs the NKVD to permit the division of the combined secret cipher unit of the USSR Consulate General and Trade Mission in Urumqi into independent secret cipher units.

September 22, 1937

Concerning Travel of the Civil Air Fleet to Xinjiang

The Politburo orders the Civil Air Fleet to send a transport aircraft to make several trips between Urumqi and Kashgar in coordination with the NKID and NKVD.

March 29, 1936

Concerning the Maintenance of Peoples from Xinjiang

The Politburo orders to release of over 1.2 million rubles to the NKVD to support the maintenance of peoples from Xinjiang.

October 3, 1935

Concerning Relations with the 36th Division (National Revolutionary Army)

The Politburo orders the NKVD to seek, with the cooperation of Ma Zhongying, commander of the 36th Division of the National Revolutionary Army, the departure of the NRA division commanders most hostile to the Xinjiang government. The Politburo also instructs the NKVT and NKID to commence trade with the 36th Division immediately.

September 29, 1935

Politburo Decisions of 29 September 1935 Concerning Xinjiang

The Politburo prohibits NKVD officers in Xinjiang from deviating from the approved political line and proposes developing oil near the border under the guise of Xinjiang production.

March 19, 1935

Politburo Decision of 19 March 1935 concerning Xinjiang

The Politburo transfers NKVD members currently working in Eastern Siberia and Central Asia to Xinjiang.

November 3, 1945

Telegram from Cde. Yegnarov and Cde. Langvang to Cde. Beria

Yegnarov forwards to Stalin a letter from Alihan Tore Shakirjan, in which he describes Chinese oppression of the people in Eastern Turkestan and requests Soviet assistance with their "revolutionary struggle."

September 5, 1945

Report from L. Beria to Cde. I.V. Stalin, V.M. Molotov, and Cde. G.M. Malenkov

Beria reports on the progress of the rebel movement in Xinjiang at the end of August, including information on the locations of the rebels' active operations, their armed forces, Chinese prisoners of war, and recent rebel casualties. He also describes the Chinese Armed Forces' likely responses to recent rebel advances in the Ili District.
