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July 15, 1960

CC CPSU Report, 'Measures to Vigorously Counteract Hostile Radio Propaganda Directed at the Soviet Population'

Report from the head of the Department of Agitation and Propaganda of the Central Committee of the CPSU detailing the shortcomings of Soviet broadcast media in countering Western broadcasts. The document is noteworthy for its criticism of the poor distribution of Soviet newscasts in the Eastern part of the USSR, and acknowledgment of how Western broadcasts have filled this void. An interesting point is made on the habit of adapting Soviet-made receivers to capture Western shortwave broadcasts.

April 14, 1967

Gosteleradio Memo to CPSU Central Committee, 'Ideological Subversion on the Airwaves of Foreign Radio Stations Broadcasting in the Russian language'

This memo from N. Mesyatsev, Chairman, Broadcast and Television Committee, Council of Ministers, analyzes Western radio “propaganda” and credits Western broadcasts with being “an effective tool of ideological intervention.” The document notes that the broadcasts pay attention to Soviet dissidents, and mentions their use of humor and Western music.

November 26, 1966

Gosteleradio Review of Western Radio Propaganda, 'Anti-Communism is the main weapon of imperialist radio propaganda in the Russian language'

This lengthy review of foreign radio propaganda by Y. Novikov, an official of the USSR Gosteleradio [State Television and Radio] Guidance Department, pays particular attention to what it sees as Western broadcasters’ attempts to discredit Marxism-Leninism and Communist economics, as well as the notion of convergence between capitalism and Communism.

June 25, 1953

TASS on Radio Liberation Broadcast to Soviet Military in Germany during June 1953 East German Revolt

This TASS bulletin containing the transcript of a Radio Liberation broadcast urging Soviet forces stationed in East Germany to “return to the barracks” was sent to top Soviet officials. Radio Liberation, later to be renamed Radio Liberty, went on the air in March 1953.

June 25, 1980

Extract from Protocol No. 206 of the Session of the Politburo of the CC CPSU, 'Concerning Measures with Regard to the Organization Amnesty International'

Extract on Amnesty International and the KGB's attempts to undermine its anti-Soviet activity. The report states that Amnesty International is funded by imperialist powers, who have the intent of placing pressure on the Soviet Union to change its human rights policies.

December 29, 1975

Committee for State Security Report on Anti-Soviet Propaganda and Anti-Socialist Elements

The Committee for State Security reported on statements from the French and Italian Communist party leaders being used in anti-Soviet propaganda and broadcasted on western radio stations. The use of these statements caused a debate over socialist ideology, human rights, and freedoms. The report looks at prior anti-socialist activity and results of actions in places such as Hungary and Poland. The role of the KGB and decrease in crime rate is also discussed.


Networks Acting for the Russians

The locations of Russian centers and agents conducting popular activities and their strategies for propaganda. The iems the Russian Commission is tracking are also broached, including military munition in Beirut and the Syrian Republic.

December 14, 1960

Journal of Soviet Ambassador in the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 14 December 1960

Emil Stanciu and A.M. Puzanov share information obtained from separately interacting with Kim Il Sung and his close aides, commenting that Korean leaders barely mention the aid which the Soviet Union and other socialist countries are giving the DPRK.

December 8, 1960

Journal of Soviet Ambassador in the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 8 December 1960

Kim Il expresses gratitude on the statement of Soviet Union on the issue of the peaceful reunification of Korea. Kim Chang-man mentions the DPRK VNS proposals which stress the peaceful reunification of Korea sweeps through the South Korea. He also reports that the South Korea currently suffer a serious electricity shortage. Ri Gyo-sun says there will be a massive propaganda on DPRK VNS proposals planned to Japan.

August 15, 1960

Journal of Soviet Ambassador in the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 15 August 1960

Puzanov presents at the 15th anniversary of the liberation of Korea celebration. Kim Il Sung makes a congratulatory message on the event and expresses his gratitude for Khrushchev's planned visit to Pyongyang.
