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October 23, 1963

Transcript of Conversation between Zhou Enlai and Edgar Faure

Premier Zhou speaks with French prime minister Edgar Faure about more contacts between China and France. Zhou says that as long as the two states respect each others sovereignty, even if they have different political systems, can still peacefully coexist. They discussed topics relating to Algeria, Soviet Union, and Taiwan.

February 22, 1972

Memorandum of Conversation between Richard Nixon and Zhou Enlai

March 19, 1961

Annex #1 to 'Development of Relations with Socialist Countries since March 19, 1961'

Recommendation that the GPRA closely monitor China's potential admission to the United Nations. Recognizes that the USSR's efforts to get China recognized by the UN, if successful, could lead to the normalization of Chinese-French relations, and withdrawal of Chinese support for Algerian struggle; advises Algeria to quickly create a diplomatic relationship with China to make this withdrawal more difficult.

December 26, 1964

Record of Conversation from Chairman Mao’s Reception of the Algerian Militia Delegation

Mao and Mahmoud Guenez discuss the Algerian revolution, the lessons of the Chinese experience, and developments in the Congo (Léopoldville).

February 8, 1961

Record of Conversation from Chairman Mao’s Reception of French Senator François Mitterrand

Mao Zedong and Francois Mitterrand discussed interests and conflicts over the Algeria Revolution and sought ways to peacefully reconcile differences.