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Memo to the Soviet Ambassador to India: Appeal to the Leadership of the Indian Communist Party on the Question of the NPT

In this memo, the Soviet Ambassador to India is urged to meet with the leadership of the Indian Communist Party (Rao and Dange) and inform them, in light of the 22nd UN General Assembly session discussing the NPT, of the Soviet stance on the Treaty. The ambassador is instructed to emphasize the importance of nuclear non-proliferation for international geopolitical reasons, including preventing West Germany and China from acquiring nuclear weapons, as well as increasing domestic prosperity by using the atom for peaceful means. The ambassador is told to emphasize efforts of the USSR to prepare the draft treaty in collaboration with non-nuclear countries, as well as security guarantees in place for non-nuclear countries so that the Indian government greets the Treaty with understanding.

July 2, 1950

Incoming Cable No. 19413, Roschin to the Central Committee

Roschin tells the CC of his meeting with Zhou Enlai, in which they discussed talks with the Indian ambassador over maneuvering at the UN, and over the possibility of Chinese intervention in Korea against American forces.

April 11, 1968

Note from Ambassador M.A. Husain, 'NPT and Security Assurances'

Indian objections to the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

May 2, 1967

Telegram from L.K. Jha, 'Nuclear Security'

Discussion of drafts prepared by the Soviet Union and the US for the Eighteen Nation Committee on Disarmament.

January 2, 1958

Address by Polish Foreign Minister Rapacki at the United Nations General Assembly, 'Polish proposal for a European Zone Free From Atomic Weapons'

In response to the arming of West Germany, Rapacki proposes a European Nuclear Weapon Free Zone.

April 1, 1972

Report by Historical Division, Ministry of External Relations on the Indian Ocean

History of control of the Indian Ocean and possible status as a nuclear-free zone.

May 5, 1975

Political Report for the Month of April 1975, L. N. Ray, High Commissioner, 'ANZUS Meeting in 1975 after the victory by the Communist forces in Indo-China'

Australia and New Zealand stress the importance of closer consultation with them on matters concerning their security and the US strategy in the entire region.

February 25, 1964

Record of Conversation between Chen Yi and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

Chen Yi and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto conversation, focusing mainly on the Soviet Union's current foreign policy regarding India. Both Chen Yi and Bhutto criticize the Soviet Union's support for India. Bhutto complains that China and Pakistan are the "only countries that expose India" for their behavior. Both agree that Pakistan and China must work hard together to prevent India -- with its support from the US and Soviet Union -- from strengthening its influence over the Security Council, UN and Afro-Asian politics.

August 22, 1968

Rajya Sabha Q&A on Security Council Members and Assistance to Non-Nuclear States

Transcript of questions and answers between members of the Rajya Sabha and Minister of State in the Ministry of External Affairs, Shri B. R. Bhagat, on the United States, USSR, and the U.K.'s request to the Security Council for taking immediate action to assist and non-nuclear state under attack or threatened by a nuclear power.

July 1, 1950

Conversation between Indian Ambassador Kavalam Madhava Panikkar and Deputy Foreign Minister Zhang Hanfu

Zhang Hanfu and K.M. Panikkar discuss the role of the United Nations in ending the conflict in Korea.
