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May 26, 1967

Protocol number 62 of the Israeli Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, Friday, May 26, 1967 at 4 pm, in The Kirya, Tel Aviv

July 19, 1969

Memorandum from Henry Kissinger to Richard Nixon, "Israeli Nuclear Program"

June 17, 1967

Attachment, 'Fundamental Lessons Learned from the Aggression and Proposals for Further Steps'

Czechoslovakian assessment of the situation in the Middle East following the Six-Day War and recommended foreign policy activities.

August 1967

General Staff of the Czechoslovak People's Army, 'Report on the Causes, the Course and the Results of the Israeli Aggression in the Near East from the Military-Political Point of View'

Detailed analysis of Western foreign policy toward the Middle East, the outcome of the Six-Day War, and Czechoslovakian military support of the United Arab Republic and the Syrian Arab Republic.

June 17, 1967

Attachment, 'Preliminary Findings Regarding the Reasons for the United Arab Republic's and the Arab States' Defeat

Detailed Czechoslovak report explaining the United Arab Republic's defeat in the Six-Day War.

June 17, 1967

Explanatory Report, Attachment to 'The Near East Situation and Our Further Procedure'

Excerpts describing Czechoslovakian and other Eastern Bloc countries' involvement in the Six-Day War.

June 20, 1967

Attachment, Draft Resolution of the 37th Session of the CC of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, 'The Near East Situation and Our Further Approach'

Czechoslovakia offers assistance to the United Arab Republic and the Syrian Arab Republic following their defeat in the Six-Day War with Israel.

June 17, 1967

Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, 'The Near East Situation and Our Further Procedure"

Cover page to a long report on the outcome of the Six-Day War and Czechoslovakian relations with the United Arab Republic.

March 3, 1989

Record of Conversation Between M.S. Gorbachev and Member of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Part, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the People’s Republic of Hungary M. Nemeth

Conversation between Gorbachev and Miklos Nemeth about protecting Hungarian borders, Hungary's decision to establish diplomatic relations with Israel, and the Soviet Union's potential normalization of relations with Israel.

October 28, 1980

Winkelman, 'Information for the Politburo: General Communique of the Central Committee of the Tudeh Party of Iran and the Central Committee of the Iraq Communist Party'

The Central Committees of the Iraqi Communist Party and Iranian Tudeh Party condemn Iraqi aggression against Iran, support Palestinian rights against what they view as "Zionist aggressors," and criticize American imperialism in the region.
