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February 22, 1972

Memorandum of Conversation between Richard Nixon and Zhou Enlai

March 21, 1955

Letter from Humphrey Trevelyan to Zhou Enlai

November 26, 1960

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Report on the Matter of the Proposal by the Central Committee of the Vietnamese Workers’ Party to Neutralize Cambodia and Laos by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China'

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs summarizes Vietnam's response to a proposal to "neutralize Cambodia and Laos."

July 18, 1980

Statement of the Conference of Foreign Ministers between Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam

The Foreign Ministers of Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam accused Thailand of deliberately complicating the situation in its border areas with Cambodia and Laos. They criticized Bangkok of joining the US in collaborating with China against the Indochinese peoples and labelled this a grand plan of China aimed at expanding its influence and territory into Southeast Asia. The Ministers called for the negotiation and signing of non-aggression treaties between the Indochinese countries and Thailand as well as the other nations in Southeast Asia, cooperation in the issues of refugees and humanitarian relief, etc. They also warned Thailand against supporting the Pol Pot forces, violating Cambodia's sovereignty, inciting riots in Laos and denounced the Chinese invasion of Vietnam.

June 26, 1971

Nine Points from the Democratic Republic of Vietnam Regarding a Political Solution in Vietnam

Statement put forward by the DRV in a private meeting with American representatives: The US had to pull out completely from South Vietnam and other Indochinese countries by the end of 1971. The release of POWs and civilians captured during the war would be implemented simultaneously. The Americans had to stop supporting Thieu-Ky-Khiem (the three leaders of the government of South Vietnam), bear all responsibilities and pay compensation for all damages incurred in Vietnam. The US had to respect the 1954 Geneva Accords on Indochina and the 1965 Geneva Accords on Laos and stop all intervention in Indochina.