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September 1, 1957

Repercussions from America's Position regarding Syria and the Arab countries

America sends warships into Syrian territorial waters, and regional powers calibrate their postures.


Syria’s Position vis-à-vis Lebanon

The Syrian government and leftist leaders disapprove of the Lebanese government, Lebanese opposition leaders prepare a campaign against the government, and other Arab countries configure their policies toward Syria.

November 26, 1956

Untitled report about the Baath Party

The Baath Party gains strength in Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon in its objective to fight colonialism, preserve the current Syrian regime, oppose the Baghdad Pact, and achieve other goals.


Untitled report on relations between Syria and Lebanon

Syria briefly reopens its border with Lebanon, and Chehab delivers an extensive report on developments in Syrian-Lebanese relations.

April 27, 1949

Untitled report on the Muslim Brotherhood

Report on the Muslim Brotherhood's activities.

August 15, 1949

Untitled report on Communist activities in Syria and Lebanon

Communists plot against Syria and Lebanon, including a publication exposing Syria's tyranny.

July 25, 1949

Untitled report on Soviet interests in Syria

A meeting with the director of the Soviet News Agency reveals several items of Russian interest, including the American position in Syria, shipments of military ammunitions to Damascus, and a Syrian and Lebanese plan to fight communism.

June 17, 1949

Untitled report on the Turkish Legation in Syria

The Turkish government is very interested in events in Syria.

May 11, 1949

Untitled report on a Communist conference in Beirut

Confirmation of a conference to be held jointly by the Syrian and Lebanese Communist Parties.

May 7, 1949

Untitled report on the Syrian and Lebanese Communist Parties

Plans for a joint meeting of the Syrian and Lebanese Communist Parties at the end of May.