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January 21, 1959

Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Draft for Transmission to Various Heads of Government Regarding of A. I. Mikoyan's Conversations with Senior US Government Leaders'

After A.I Mikoyan's trip to the United States and his conversations with senior US government leaders, the USSR MFA submitted a draft of confidential information to be sent to the heads of government of several states. The content of the instructions to be told to the foreign leaders includes discussion of the German problem and Berlin, the problem of disarmament and a halt to nuclear testing, the Near and Middle East, the Far East, and other issues.

December 22, 1954

Soviet Translation, 'Statement of the Iran Party Regarding the Bill to Receive a Loan from Foreign Countries' (Attachment)

The Iran Party's statement is critical of the recent loans made to Iran by the Americans and the British, which it believes will leave Iran indebted to countries that just want to exploit the people and resources of Iran. Also includes various Iranian trade figures.

January 13, 1955

Soviet Translation, Supplement to Mardom Newspaper Published in Iran, 'The Crimes of Iranian Reaction and the Deeds of the Sons of the Fatherland are Becoming Clear to the Public Opinion of Iran and the Entire World' (Attachment)

This supplement appeared in the "Mardom" newspaper, which was published illegally in Iran by the underground communist Tudeh (People's) Party of Iran. This article presents criticism of the Shah and his forces that are accused of working with the Americans and the British and torturing Iranians who chose to stand in opposition against him. The People's Party of Iran also pledges to continue its fight against the Shah and the Americans.

January 14, 1955

Soviet Translation, 'A Brief Summary of the 1 January 1955 Issue of the Newspaper Mardom Nº 261' (Attachment)

This is a summary of articles found in the "Mardom" newspaper, which was published illegally in Iran by the underground communist Tudeh (People's) Party of Iran. This issue criticized the Shah's cooperation with the Americans and the British, as well as recent agreements regarding financial and border between Iran and the Soviet Union, creating what is said to be the basis of a friendship between the two countries.

January 14, 1955

Soviet Translaton, 'A Brief Summary of the 19 December 1955 Issue of the Newspaper Mardom Nº 261' (Attachment)

This is a summary of articles found in the "Mardom" newspaper, which was published illegally in Iran by the underground communist Tudeh (People's) Party of Iran. The issue summarized condemns the Shah as a traitor and as cooperating with the Americans and the British at the cost of the Iranian civilians.

May 31, 1962

Summary of Ambassador Wang Binnan’s Report to the Department Party Committee

Wang Bingnan reports extensively on social, political, religious, and economic conditions within Poland, as well as Poland's foreign relalations with the US, the Soviet Union, and China.

July 11, 1948

Record of Conversation between Kim Gu and Liu Yuwan

Kim Gu (Kim Koo) and the Chinese Nationalist Minister Liu Yuwan discuss Kim's participation in the South Korean government, his attendance at a conference in Pyongyang, and the possibility of a Russian-led attack on southern Korea.

July 4, 1953

CPSU Central Committee Decision

About the draft response to Clark's letter from the 29th of June.The decision instructs Malenkov and Molotov to answer the Chinese comrades, and inform them of the Soviet Union's agreement their assessment and the measures proposed on the issue of peace talks in Korea, in connection with the Clark's letter.

June 3, 1953

Record of Molotov's Conversation with US Ambassador Bohlen

A follow-up conversation after the one on the 28th of May. The two discuss the talks that were taking place in Panmunjom, and Bohlen mentions the American men with Soviet wives currently residing in the Soviet Union. Molotov is unaware of this situation.

September 3, 1969

Minutes of Conversation between the Shah and Nicolae Ceaușescu, Teheran

The Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi spoke with Nicolae Ceaușescu regarding President Nixon's speech in which he talks about disengaging the US from issues that do not concern the US, but also not abandoning allies. The Shah recalled that he told President Nixon long ago to withdraw from Vietnam. The Arab-Israeli conflict was also discussed.
