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May 19, 1982

Memorandum of Conversations between SED General Secretary Erich Honecker and Afghan Leader Babrak Karmal

Karmal describes threats against the Soviet-backed Afghan government from Pakistan, Iran, the US, China, and Egypt.

February 22, 1988

Record of a Conversation of M. S. Gorbachev with US Secretary of State G. Shultz

Gorbachev and Shultz discuss issues in the Middle East, including the Soviet withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and the Iran-Iraq War.

June 9, 1982

Conversation between Soviet Foreign Ministry Official Mikhail S. Kapitsa and Deputy Foreign Minister of Mongolia D. Yondon

Record of conversation between Mikhail S. Kapitsa, the head of the First Far Eastern Department of the Soviet Foreign Ministry, and D. Yondon, First Deputy Foreign Minister of the Mongolian People's Republic. They discuss foreign relations with China, Japan and North Korea. They also discuss the current situation in Vietnam, India and Pakistan, and Afghanistan.

December 15, 1995

Talking Points, State Department, South Asian Regional Affairs, 'Additional Testimony and Q’s and A’s for Congressional Briefing'

State Department talking points for analyzing the issue of a potential Indian Nuclear Test. These talking points review the state of play after Ambassador Wisner’s demarche to the Indian Foreign Ministry. Recognizing Prime Minister Rao’s cautiousness, US government officials did not believe that he had made a decision to test, but they were aware that he was under great pressure to do so. Therefore, the U.S. government was working with allies, encouraging them “to urge India not to test.” Parallel discussions were taking place with the Pakistanis over the production of enriched uranium over above the 3 to five 5 percent level that could be used to fuel nuclear reactors. The Pakistanis were denying that they were producing highly enriched uranium but intelligence reports suggested that they were contemplating such action or had already begun the process.

December 15, 1995

Draft State Department Telegram to US Embassy Beijing, 'Possible Indian Nuclear Test'

The State Department writes to Islamabad urging Pakistan to not react if in fact India chooses to launch a nuclear test. On 15 December the New York Times published a story by Tim Weiner, under the headline “US Suspects India Prepares to Conduct Nuclear Test.” While some Indian journalists and policy experts were convinced that the story was a US government plant, Weiner had simply used due diligence in pursuing a lead from a non-government expert on nuclear proliferation issues. Worried that the story would exacerbate regional tensions by encouraging Pakistan to “act in a manner that jeopardizes our nonproliferation efforts in South Asia,” the Department wanted to enlist the Chinese to encourage the Pakistanis to “exercise restraint in response to these reports.”

March 16, 1978

Hungarian Embassy in Pakistan, Telegram, 16 March 1978. Subject: DPRK-Pakistani relations

The Hungarian Embassy in Pakistan reports that the main purpose of the unofficial visit of Pak Seong-cheol to Pakistan was to dissuade the new leadership from changing its stance in the issue of Korean unification. Pakistan confirmed that the DPRK-Pakistan relation would remain friendly and requested arms support.

June 30, 1956

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan, 'The Main Themes of Pakistan’s Diplomatic Activities'

The report claimed that the two main themes of Pakistani diplomatic activities are 1/Winning the support of foreign leaders for its position on the Kashmir issue and 2/Breaking away from its isolated position and resolving its financial difficulties. Pakistani diplomatic stance toward China, the Soviet Union, the United States, Great Britain, France and the Arab League was examined.

May 17, 1956

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan, 'Pakistani President’s Exclusive Conversation with American Reporters'

The Pakistani President stated that Islamabad's warming relationship with the PRC did not mean a move away from the US. He reaffirmed Pakistani commitment to the Southeast Asian defense treaty and the Baghdad Pact while urging the US to recognize the PRC and advocating an increase in Sino-Japanese trade.

May 27, 1955

Summary of the Views of Afro-Asian Countries on the Taiwan Issue at the Afro-Asian Conference

The People's Republic of China maintains that the Taiwan issue was an internal issue of China, and it was the US who created tension by invading and occupying Taiwan.

April 28, 1955

Chinese Foreign Ministry Reference Document No.1

Chinese Reference Document No. 1 which includes the following articles:

Ike says to correspondents that the USA is willing to hold direct negotiations with New China
Britain wishes to be a loyal mediator between New China and the USA
Burmese newspapers’ comments on Taiwan issue
Nehru, Nasir and others speak to correspondents in Calcutta
Menzies’s comments on Zhou Enlai’s proposal
Kotalawela’s comment on the Asian-African Conference
USA and Red China
Bright prospect
Bright prospect
The Five States of the Colombo Conference and the USA
Comments of the prime ministers of India, Pakistan and Egypt on the Asian-African Conference
The Bandung Conference
The Five States of the Colombo Conference and the USA.
Allen’s comments on the Asian-African Conference
Pakistan and Egypt on the Asian-African Conference
