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January 3, 1973

Discussion between Zhou Enlai and Le Duc Tho

Zhou Enlai encourages Vietnam’s negotiations with the US.

February 2, 1973

Discussion between Mao Zedong and Le Duc Tho

Mao Zedong makes suggestions as to the course for action after the signing of the Paris Agreements.

June 5, 1973

Discussion between Zhou Enlai, Le Duan, Pham Van Dong and Le Thanh Nghi

The role of China and Vietnam in the Cambodian revolution; also a discussion on the current situation in South Vietnam.

August 10, 1964

Meeting between the North Vietnamese ambassador with the 1st vice-minister of foreign affairs of the People’s Republic of Albania Vasil Nathanaili

This document outlines the meeting between the North Vietnamese ambassador with the 1st vice-minister of foreign affairs of the People’s Republic of Albania, Vasil Nathanaili. The ambassador thanks the Albanian government for the August 7 declaration in support of North Vietnamese sovereignty and independence. He informs the Albanian official about the growing pressure of the American government on the United Nations to become more involved in the conflict in Vietnam and to spread the blame for violating the Geneva Convention of 1954 on Indochina to North Vietnam. It is stated that the Soviet representative in the UN proposed to invite a North Vietnamese delegation to discuss the situation in Vietnam without previously informing the North Vietnamese government about the issue, prompting an official complaint to the Soviet embassy in Hanoi. Furthermore, the American representatives in the UN invited a South Vietnamese delegation in order to discuss the same issue. The document also mentions the reaction of the North Vietnamese government after the supposed violation of the Geneva Convention and specific steps to condemn the Americans publicly.

February 24, 1971

East German Report on the Fourth Interkit Meeting in Sofia, February 1971

Report from the East German representatives on the Interkit meeting held in Sofia in February 1971. Reports on recent changes in Chinese foreign policy and international political strategies.

February 3, 1966

Letter to Wladyslaw Gomulka from Kim Il Sung

A letter to Wladislaw Gomulka from Kim Il Sung containing his suggestions on providing assistance to the Vietnamese people and strengthening relations within the socialist bloc.

June 24, 1967

Record of Conversation between Polish Politburo member Zenon Kliszko and Soviet Leader Leonid Brezhnev, Moscow

Brevhnev describes discussions he's had with North Vietnamese leaders, who only want the U.S. bombings to end in order to open negotiations. He also discusses the outcome of the Arab-Israeli war at the UN General Assembly; even though the assembly condemned Israel, the Arabs are shaken by defeat. The only hope for the Arabs is the support of the USSR. He has also warned Fidel Castro not to push things too far.
