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March 12, 1955

Report from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Trade, 'Scheme for Our Participation in the Trade Activities of the Asian-African Conference (Revised Draft) (Preliminary Paper)'

The Department of International Trade estimated that the Asian-African Conference would be a good occasion to strengthen economic and trade relations with the participating countries. The Department of International Trade therefore made the recommendations to befriend with these former colonies for developing strong economic and political relations. This is the modified version of the draft plan that was issued earlier.

March 20, 1955

Cable from Huang Zhen and Peng Di, 'Regarding Journalists of the Jiang Clique Applying to Report on the Afro-Asian Conference'

Telegram inquiring the Chinese Foreign Ministry about how to react on journalists from Taiwan registered for reporting the Asian-African Conference. The Foreign Ministry responded that the Chinese embassy in Indonesia should only inform the Asian-African Conference Secretariat to pay attention to the journalist from the Central News Agency of Taiwan.

March 27, 1955

Report from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Compilation of the Excerpts of the Telegrams Concerning the Asian-African Conference'

The collection of telegrams covers the procedure and agenda about the Asian-African Conference, the arguments about China’s participation in the Conference, the attempts of the US and the UK to influence the Conference, and the attitudes of various countries toward the Conference.

March 29, 1955

Report from Zhang Hanfu to Zhou Enlai

A note to Zhou Enlai covering the following issues: draft agreement between China and Indonesia regarding dual nationality; the issues of Chinese students kept in the US by US government and the Americans kept by the Chinese government; Zhou’s itinerary to Rangoon.

December 25, 1954

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Regarding Our Attitude towards the Afro-Asian Conference'

The Chinese Foreign Ministry informed Chinese embassies overseas that China supported the Asian-African Conference as well as the participation of the countries with whom China had no diplomatic relation, such as Japan, the Philippines, and Thailand. China also emphasized that Chiang Kai-shek was not to be invited to the Conference.

April 4, 1955

Report from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Draft Plan for Attending the Asian-African Conference'

The participants in the Asian-African Conference had the common interest in pursuing international peace and national economic and cultural development. China should take the advantage of this Conference to promote national independence movement and to establish stronger relations with Asian and African countries. According to this goal, the plan listed the common issues that all participants faced, the issues that existed between China and other countries, and the issues that China alone was facing. It also spelled out the relations of China and different groups of counties in the Conference, as well as the logistic issues.

April 5, 1955

Views and Suggestions of the Experts on the Asian-African Conference

Experts gave opinions on the Asian-African Conference regarding agenda, strategies, and other logistic issues, basically stating that China had to focus on the adoption of principal issues, not substantial issues, and to show other countries that China was a peace-loving country.
