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September 14, 1962

Telegram from Polish Embassy in Havana (Jeleń), 14 September 1962

Jelen discusses a conversation he had with [Foreign Minister Raúl] Roa [García] on 9 September. They discussed diplomatic visits, UN delegation sessions, and growing tensions in the 'Cuban situation' and possible US military action against Cuba.

October 19, 1962

Minutes of the Council of Ministers, The Hague, 19 October 1962 (excerpt)

The meeting of the Council of Ministers at The Hague revolved around the ongoing naval blockade of Cuba by the United States. The Dutch Assistant Secretary of State related that while the Americans are remaining firm on the Cuban situation, his visit to President Kennedy revealed he was very tense and was looking for a solution. The Foreign Ministry has yet to give an definitive stance on Cuba, but the primary concern for the Dutch Government was freedom of the sea and free flow of trade. The Minister of Justice concludes that while the government has no power to stop ships from going to Cuba, it does have the power to bar arms shipments.

January 8, 1963

Record of Conversation with Comrade Blas Roca in the Building of the National Committee

Lösch and Cde. Blas Roca discuss the role of the Soviet Union and its actions in the Cuban crisis and their support of the Cuban revolutionary government.

October 8, 1962

Telegram from Brazilian Embassy in Havana (de Gamboa)

A telegram from the Brazilian Embassy in Cuba describing the speech of Cuban President Dorticós, in the UN, as extremely ponderous and even conservative, by Cuban standards. Dorticos alluded at length to the North-American threats against Cuba, evidencing therefore, one more time, the “complex of invasion” that has motivated in large measures the comportment of the revolutionary government in international politics. Dorticos affirmed, moreover, that Cuba desires a “policy of peace and of coexistence” with all countries of the Continent, within an “absolute respect to the principle of non-intervention.”

March 12, 1962

Alexei Adzhubei's Account of His Visit to Washington to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

Alexei Adzhubei, Khrushchev’s son-in-law and the editor-in-chief of Izvestia, reports on his meetings with US journalists and officials in Washington, DC. Especially significant was his 30 January meeting with President John F. Kennedy in which Kennedy compared the communist revolution in Cuba with the 1956 Hungarian Revolution suppressed by the Soviet Union. Adzhubei also described Kennedy's comments on German reunification.

October 31, 1962

Gromyko Cable to Ambassador Alexeev to Havana of October 31

Gromyko instructed Alexeev to present to Fidel Castro the Soviet draft protocol which should be used as a basis for negotiation at the UN. The Protocol concerns issues such as the removal of blockade, the renunciation of invasion against Cuba, the respect of Cuban sovereignty, the termination of subversive activity against Havana, the reestablishment of diplomatic and economic relations with Cuba, and the Guanatanamo base.

October 28, 1962

U Thant's message to Khrushchev

U Thant expressed his consent at the Soviet effort to resolve the Cuban crisis and informed Khrushchev of his upcoming visit to Cuba. U Thant said that he was happy to know that the USSR had sent Mr. Kuznetsov to New York to work with him. Prospect of UN monitors in Cuba was also mentioned.

October 30, 1962

Telegram from Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Kuznetsov and Ambassador to the UN Zorin to USSR Foreign Ministry

Report on a breakfast held by Zorin - chairman of the Security Council - with its members. The topics of discussion include: American agreement to the Soviet proposal for checks on vessels carried out by representatives of the International Red Cross, the Irish proposal to convene the Council right after U Thant's return from Cuba to decide on an inspection mechanism for the dismantlings, and the Ghanaian delegate's remarks on the situation in Congo.

October 28, 1962

Telegram from USSR Foreign Ministry to Soviet diplomats in Washington, Havana, and New York

The US consul informed the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the procedures of the quarantine.

October 31, 1962

Cable from Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko to USSR Ambassador to Cuba A. I. Alekseev

Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko cables the Soviet Embassy in Havana that the Soviet leadership had decided to allow UNSG U Thant and his representatives to visit Soviet launchers sites in Cuba and verify that the launchers are being dismantled.
