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November 10, 1989

Letter, General Secretary of the SED Egon Krenz to General Secretary of the CC CPSU Mikhail Gorbachev

General Secretary Krentz reports to Gorbachev that East Germany has allowed GDR citizens to cross the border to West Berlin following mass protests at the Berlin Wall and its checkpoints. Of the 60,000 citizens who took advantage of the open border, reportedly 45,000 returned to East Germany after visiting the west.

November 7, 1989

Minutes No. 49 of the Meeting of the SED Politburo

Minutes No. 49 of the Meeting of the SED Politburo concerning situation regarding GDR citizens leaving the country. The Politburo decides a new travel law will be developed in order to placate some of the popular demands.

November 7, 1989

Information Note from the Romanian Embassy in Berlin to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Note from the Romanian Embassy in Berlin to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding continuing protests in the streets, the proposal to allow freedom to travel to foreign countries, the demands by the population for the removal of the Politburo and all ministers, and the movement towards the economic integration of the GDR with the FRG.

November 9, 1989

Material for the Session/For Circulation in the Council of Ministers, Draft: Temporary Transition Rules for Travel and Permanent Exit from the GDR, Berlin

Draft resolution and press release announcing new temporary transition rules for travel abroad and permanent exits from East Germany.

November 9, 1989

Transcript of the Tenth Session of the SED Central Committee from 3:47 - 3:55 p.m.

Transcript of the Tenth Session of the SED Central Committee regarding the issue of new temporary travel regulations.

November 9, 1989

Günter Schabowski’s Press Conference in the GDR International Press Center 6:53 - 7:01 p.m.

Schabowski announces new travel regulations allowing permanent exit for East German citizens at all border crossing effective "immediately, without delay."