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October 30, 1951

Letter from UK Embassy in Paris to London on Franco-Indian agreement

British Ambassador Oliver Harvey reports a conversation with the Director of the French Atomic Energy Commission Jules Guéron on the details of Franco-Indian nuclear cooperation.

July 2, 1950

Jules Guéron, Record of Discussions with Homi J. Bhabha in London

Notes from discussions with Homi Bhabha, Chairman of the Indian Atomic Energy Commission, to negotiate the contract for nuclear cooperation between India and France.

January 17, 1950

Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Indian Atomic Energy Commission

Joliot-Curie, French High Commissioner for Atomic Energy, offers to share technical information with India on the purification of uranium, graphite reprocessing and designs of a low power reactor in exchange for India’s export to France of thorium, beryllium and mineral oil for the manufacture of graphite.

January 16, 1950

Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Indian Atomic Energy Commission

The Indian Atomic Energy Commission meets with the French High Commissioner for Atomic Energy Joliot-Curie to discuss nuclear cooperation between India and France.

June 21, 1949

Secret Letter from Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar to Frédéric Joliot-Curie

Indian scientist S.S. Bhatnagar informs Joliot-Curie, the French High Commissioner for Atomic Energy, about plans for the training of Indian chemists in France in preparation for development of a plant in India for processing monazite salts.

February 11, 1949

Confidential Letter from Homi J. Bhabha to Frédéric Joliot-Curie

Homi Bhabha, Chairman of the Indian Atomic Energy Commission, informs Joliot-Curie, French High Commissioner for Atomic Energy, that the Indian government has decided to set up a factory for processing monazite and has selected a French firm to develop the factory.


India Department of Atomic Energy, 'Summary of Allocation and Expenditures'

Budget for the Indian Department of Atomic Energy.

June 1968

India Department of Atomic Energy, 'Programme for Surveying, Prospecting and Development of Atomic Minerals During the IVth and Vth Plan Periods (11969-78)'

Report on the Atomic Minerals Division work surveying atomic minerals.

June 18, 1968

India Department of Atomic Energy, 'Research and Development Programme of the Department of Atomic Energy During the IVth Plan Period'

Research objectives for the Indian nuclear program include the development of fast breeder reactors and isotope production.

June 14, 1968

India Department of Atomic Energy, 'Note on the Development of Fast Breeder Reactor'

Information on research and development work on breeder reactors in India.
