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February 26, 1986

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'NATO Secretary General's visit in Rome
(26th-28th February 1986).
Security and disarmament'

This document summarizes Ambassador Nitze's speech on the issue of security and disarmament, and provides a rather detailed description of current U.S. position vis-à-vis the USSR in the field of disarmament and global security.

February 26, 1986

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'NATO Secretary General's visit in Rome (26th-28th February 1986) - Analysis of the prospects of Geneva negotiations and of the negotiations about disarmament'

A comprehensive analysis of the Soviet position in the upcoming disarmament negotiations regarding SDI, FNI, MBFR, and chemical weapons. Overall, there seems to be increased willingness on the Soviet side to free up economic resources from military sector.

December 11, 1987

Telegram by Permanent Representative to NATO Fulci to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Atlantic Council. US Secretary of State Shultz's presentation about the Reagan-Gorbachev meeting.
Disarmament and arms control issues'

The permanenent representative of Italy to NATO summarizes the presentation by Secretary of State Shultz following the signing of the INF treaty. Shultz presents the treaty as a great success, both in terms of its content, as well as a demonstration of Atlantic solidarity.

November 25, 1987

Telegram by Permanent Representative to NATO Fulci to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Atlantic Council. Consultations with Secretary of State Shultz'

Summary of the discussions between Secretary of State Shultz and Minister of Foreign Affairs Shevardnadze in preparation for the Washington Summit. Shultz confirms that a joint working text has been produced and the preprations for signing the INF treaty in Washington are well underway.

April 20, 1990

Record of Conversation between Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs V. P. Karpov and US Secretary of State J. Baker

Karpov and Baker discuss negotiations for reductions to strategic arms, focusing on issues with the range for air-based cruise missiles and sea-based cruise missiles.

May 11, 1989

Soviet Record of Conversation between M.S. Gorbachev and US Secretary of State J. Baker

Gorbachev and Baker discuss cuts in tactical nuclear weapons.

February 9, 1990

Soviet Record of Conversation between M.S. Gorbachev and US Secretary of State J. Baker

Gorbachev and Baker discuss cuts in strategic arms and conventional forces, focusing on air-based and sea-based cruise missiles.

September 17, 1980

Letter from SPD Chairman Brandt to General Secretary of CPSU Central Committee Brezhnev

Willy Brandt writes to Leonid Brezhnev about issues plaguing arms control negotiations between the US and the USSR. Particular attention is paid to the way the US Presidential election has hampered progress.

February 22, 1982

Letter by the General Secretary of the CC of the CPSU, Gorbachev, to the Chairman of the SPD, Brandt

Leonid Brezhnev writes to Willy Brandt about ongoing US-Soviet arms negotiations.

March 11, 1953

Memorandum of Discussion at the 136th Meeting of the National Security Council

The US National Security Council discusses the effect that Stalin’s death had on Soviet policy and on Communist Parties outside of the USSR, as well as the opportunity it provided the US to use Stalin’s death in a psychological strategy to influence the Soviets. The Council also discusses the possibility of negotiations for a settlement with the Soviets in Korea.