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June 28, 1974

Chinese Communist Party Central Committee Notice [Zhongfa] (1979) No. 19: Notice on the Talks between Chairman Mao and Edward Heath

A summary of a conversation between Mao Zedong and Edward Heath. Topics covered include the Watergate scandal, European security, bilateral relations between the PRC and the UK, and the foreign policy of the Soviet Union.

October 22, 1960

Chairman Mao Receives American Writer [Edgar] Snow

A summary of Mao's comments to Edgar Snow concerning Taiwan, Jinmen (Quemoy), and Mazu (Matsu), as well as China's legal status at the UN.

May 13, 1959

From the Meeting of the Delegation of the Party of Labor of Albania with Comrade Mao Zedong on 13 May 1959

Mao and Kapo discuss Albania's history and its present day struggle with Yugoslavia. Mao reviews the CCP's own history as well as developments in Tibet.

May 15, 1964

Record of the Conversation from Chairman Mao’s Audience with the Albanian Women’s Delegation and Albanian Film Workers

Mao and Vito Kapo discuss Sino-Albanian relations in the context of the anti-revisionist struggle against the Soviet Union.

October 3, 1967

Conversation from [Mao Zedong's] Audience with the Prime Minister of Congo (Brazzaville) [Ambroise] Noumazalaye

Noumazalaye praises the effects of the Cultural Revolution, noting that he and others in Congo will study its theories and global significance.

June 24, 1967

[Mao Zedong's] Conversation with the President of Zambia (Excerpt)

Mao argues countries that won their independence early should help other countries later. If they cultivate the next generation and help each other, then the global revolution will continue.

August 8, 1965

Conversation from [Mao Zedong's] Audience with an Guinean Educational Delegation and the [Guinean] Attorney General

Mao meets with Guinea's Minister of Education, Seydou Conté, and Prosecutor General Fadiala Keita. They primarily discuss China's efforts to reform intellectuals and counter-revolutionaries through education and labor.

August 3, 1965

Conversation from [Mao Zedong's] Audience with the French Minister of [Cultural] Affairs, [Georges André] Malraux

Mao and Malraux discuss a variety of topics, ranging from the Chinese revolution to American aggression in Vietnam and Soviet revisionism.

March 24, 1965

Conversation from [Mao Zedong's] Audience with a Delegation from the Palestine Liberation Organization

Mao shares his views on education with a delegation from the PLO, emphasizing that soldiers should learn on the battlefield instead of in class.

January 27, 1965

Conversation from [Mao Zedong's] Audience with Subandrio [then Foreign Minister of Indonesia]

Mao shares his views on education with Subandrio, arguing that students, particularly those in military schools, should study less and learn more from experience.
