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May 1987

Ministry for State Security of the GDR, Main Department II, 'The Domestic Policy, especially the Economic Development of the PR China, since the XIII CCP Party Congress - Status and Conclusions for the Relations between the GDR and the PR China'

An extensive report on China's economic policies and development.

March 26, 1980

Embassy of the GDR in the USSR, 'Information on Some Issues of China's Current Policy'

A discussion of the 5th Plenary Session of the CCP Central Committee and power struggles within the Chinese government, China's development targets, and foreign policy strategies, especially with the Soviet Union.

January 17, 1977

Erich Honecker to the Politburo Members of the SED, 'Information about the Situation in China and the Policy of the New Leadership of the PRC'

This document discusses the shift in political leadership and the instability of the government in the wake of Mao Zedong's death. It also reports on China's economic situation and the beginnings of efforts to modernize the country, as well as foreign relations, especially with the Soviet Union.

May 14, 1987

Note about a Meeting of Comrade Dr. Herbert Weiz with Comrade Li Peng, on 14 May 1987

Both sides report on current economic conditions in their respective countries and discuss plans for future cooperation, specifically in science and technology.

October 31, 1988

Memorandum, 'Re: Chinese Views on Some Aspects of Hungarian and Soviet Reform Policies'

The Hungarian Ministry of the Interior weighs how China views the ongoing reforms in Hungary.

December 1987

Chinese Views on Hungarian Economic Reforms and Sino-Hungarian Trade Relations

A Hungarian assessment on China's reform and opening and China's views of reforms ongoing inside of Hungary.

October 26, 1987

Memorandum, 'Re: Chinese Evaluation of the Visit by HSWP's General Secretary'

János Kádár's visit to Beijing is placed in the context of Deng Xiaoping and Zhao Ziyang's policies promoting China's reform and opening.

August 1981

Information for the Politburo of the Central Committee of the SED, 'Visit by Two Officials from the CCP Central Committee to the GDR (16 July to 23 August 1981)'

East German and Chinese diplomats discuss ongoing political and economic changes in China and in the GDR.