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November 24, 1953

Palestinian Refugee Society in Lebanon

August 10, 1949

Movements of the Lebanese Opposition

Report on the activities of various Lebanese opposition groups, including the Phalangists, the Communist party, the National Bloc and Palestinian refugees.

September 26, 1948

Security Agreement between Lebanon and Syria

[Probable draft] of a joint security agreement between the Lebanese Sûreté Générale and the Syrian Sûreté Générale with sections on Jewish people, foreigners, artists, refugees, Palestinians, Communists, political and diplomatic personalities and Lebanese and Syrian nationals.

July 13, 1952

Communist Activities

Report on communist activities, including efforts to recruit Palestinian refugees, their efforts to include women in the movement, and Antūn Ṭābit's trip to Berlin.

January 1, 1956

Communist Activities

Report on a meeting between the Syrian and Lebanese Communist Parties in Damascus.

November 10, 1953

An Important Report about a Palestinian Network Working for America to Settle Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon

Report on a network working to settle Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.

March 28, 1952

His Eminence Haj Amin al-Husseini's [Amīn al-Ḥusaynī] Visit, and the Real Reason behind his Mission in Beirut

Report on the President of the Higher Arab Commission's visit to Beirut to discuss Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.

August 15, 1949

Untitled report on the return of Palestinian refugees

Short document regarding the return of Palestinian refugees to Israel.

April 21, 1956

Communist Activitity in Syria

Syrian communists attempt to transform politics in their favor in order to stand against Zionism, support the Baghdad Alliance, exploit refugees through propaganda, and other policy goals.

August 8, 1949

Untitled report on a meeting of Communist parties

A meeting of Communist Parties endorses future activities and plans to counter Turkish, Syrian, and other regional anti-communist plans.